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Page Guide: Development scale
Page Guide: Development scale

How to provide information to see if the development is eligible to use the Small Site Metric - including number of dwellings & floorspace

Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 11 months ago

On this page we will ask you some questions to determine whether or not you are eligible to use the small site metric. Please click on the circle next to the option that best describes how many dwellings you plan to create on the site.

The Small Site Metric (SSM) is a special version of the Biodiversity Net Gain Metric that can be used if:

  • The site is under a certain size threshold

  • Does not meet the legal definition of a "major development"

  • Does not have any priority habitat within the red line boundary.

The Small Site User Guide contains detailed information.

Different questions will appear here depending on what you answered on the last page.

How many houses are you building?

Please click on the circle next to the option that best describes how many dwellings you plan to create on the site.

You should count the total number of "dwellinghouses" that you plan to create. Note that a dwellinghouse does not include a building containing one or more flats. You should, instead, count each individual flat.

If you are unable to say for any reason, select "Not yet decided".

What will your total commercial footprint be?

This is the total inside floor space that will be created by the development, this refers to the ground area that your commercial building(s) will cover. You should include all parts of the building that will rest on the ground.

If you have multiple buildings, add up each building’s footprint.

Describe the type of development you are making

If you are asked to describe the type of development, please provide a short summary of your development in your own words.

Questions and Answers

Why can't I enter a value higher than 999m² on the commercial footprint?

Under the Government's rules, the Small Site Metric (SSM) can only be used if the total floor space is under 1,000m². If your floor space is larger, you will need to use the full statutory biodiversity metric and hire a suitably qualified ecologist.

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