On this page you will be encouraged to reach out to your Local Environment Record Centre (LERC). This is an optional step, but it is considered best practice to get their views on whether there are any particular habitats or species that should be preserved and/or enahanced on your site. LERCs hold records on habitat and species which can be very useful for pulling together a comprehensive plan for achieving Biodiversity Net Gain.
Detailed Guidance
The page will set out which LERC will likely hold information that is useful to you. You will see the LERC's name, their code, their website, and the best email to contact them.
If you click the Get our email template to send to your LERC you will be given a template text to send to the LERC (with the best email address attached).
Please note, that the LERC may charge for support. This is an optional step - but strongly recommended.
What is a Local Environment Record Centre (LERC)?
"Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs)are not-for-profit organisations that collect, collate and manage information on the natural environment for a defined geographic area. LERCs support and collaborate with a network of experts to ensure information is robust, and make information products and services accessible to a range of audiences including decision-makers, the public, and researchers."
In previous iterations of Natural England's Biodiversity Metric, it was strongly recommended that users engage with the LERC when assessing their site and when devising what the uplift should be.