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Habitat Type: Cereal crops
Habitat Type: Cereal crops

A CROPLAND type habitat

Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 3 months ago


The following is a short summary of the habitat type and how to create/enhance it to a "good" condition. For an informed position, please refer to official up-to-date Government guidance or the UK Government's Condition Assessment Sheet.

Synonyms: Wheat Fields, Barley Fields, Oats Fields, Maize Fields

Description: Fields and farmland with cereal crops growing (a cereal crop is defined as grass cultivated and grown for the edible part of its grain.) These crops are typically grown in large fields and are a significant part of agricultural farmland. They play a crucial role in food supply chains and have notable impacts on the agricultural landscape.

If you wish to select this habitat on a habitat selection screen, it can be found under Cropland (see guide).

Key Species

Please note, there are other species, other than the cereal crops, that can be on the site, including Common Field-speedwell (Veronica persica), Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare), Night-flowering Catchfly (Silene noctiflora), Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas), Fat-hen (Chenopodium album), Grey Field-speedwell (Veronica polita), Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera) and Cleavers (Galium aparine). Other grass species that could be found in the area include Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) and Common Couch (Elymus repens).

Assessment Questions

  • Is the site a field/farmland with cereal crops growing (a cereal crop is defined as grass cultivated and grown for the edible part of its grain)?

If YES, then it is likely 'Cropland - Cereal crops'

How to Create / Enhance to a "Good" condition

How to create

Can be done in strips or blocks. Note that a competent person should demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and experience in creating, enhancing and/or managing arable habitats. You may wish to note that advice will be sought from an agricultural land agent.

You should not create this habitat in:

• cool, north facing shaded locations, as most seeds will not germinate

• places with perennial and arable grass weed problems (Source: HM Government)

How to get a "moderate" rating

It is not possible to get a moderate rating for this habitat

How to get a "good" rating

It is not possible to get a good rating for this habitat

There are no conditions for this habitat type.

Please note that this is a simple guide to help identify the habitat. For a definitive description, please refer to UKHab documentation. Joe's Blooms takes no responsibility for the content of external links.

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