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Habitat Type: Vegetated Garden
Habitat Type: Vegetated Garden

A URBAN type habitat

Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 2 months ago

© Andrew Hill (Licensed under CC BY 4.0). Kindly recommended by UKCEH.

Synonyms: Private Garden, Private Lawn

Description: Private garden that has no public access and is principally vegetated (i.e. has a large area of grass and/or flower beds). Lacks built-up area (e.g. doesn’t include paving or decking).

If you wish to select this habitat on a habitat selection screen, it can be found under Urban (see guide).

Important rules when drawing a vegetated garden

There are different rules for drawing baseline and post-development:

If you are drawing the baseline, you should make sure that you draw in the lawn AND other important features as individual habitat parcels. So make sure you also add in (for example) individual trees; hedgerows; distinct other habitats (such as ponds) as different parts.

If you are drawing a post-development private garden (i.e. a new garden that doesn't currently exist) you should only record created private gardens as either: ‘urban – vegetated garden’; or ‘urban - unvegetated garden’. You should not record the creation of any other new habitats within private gardens or record enhancement of any habitat within private gardens (i.e. no trees, ponds or other habitats).

Although the management of private domestic gardens is usually outside of the scope of the local planning system, these areas can strengthen the green infrastructure network and bring most of the benefits associated with green infrastructure close to home. Gardens often combine to provide valuable links between other categories of green infrastructure. Gardens may also include trees of amenity value or old or interesting specimens (Source: Natural England).

Assessment Questions

  • Is this a private garden?

  • Is it composed of vegetation (e.g. grass, flowers) and exposed soil?

  • Does it NOT include paving and/or decking? (If there is decking or paving is is likely unvegetated garden).

If YES, then it is likely 'Urban - Vegetated garden'

Special Notes

If the habitat has been created with the intent of capturing rainwater (i.e. it’s a shallow depression planted with deep-rooted native plants and grasses and located near a runoff source), it may be an Urban - Rain Garden.

How to Create / Enhance to a "Good" condition

How to create

There are no specific rules in the BNG documentation for creating a garden. You may wish to refer to the following advice:

How to get a "moderate" rating

It is not possible to get a moderate rating for this habitat

How to get a "good" rating

It is not possible to get a good rating for this habitat

It is not possible to enhance this habitat, you may wish to create a new habitat or buy off-site units.

Useful Resources

Please note that this is a simple guide to help identify the habitat. For a definitive description, please refer to UKHab documentation. Joe's Blooms takes no responsibility for the content of external links.

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