© Rose and Trev Clough (CC BY-SA 2.0). Kindly recommended by UKCEH.
The following is a short summary of the habitat type and how to create/enhance it to a "good" condition. For an informed position, please refer to official up-to-date UKHAB documentation or the UK Government's Condition Assessment Sheet.
Synonyms: Quarry, mine
Description: An actively worked site for resource extraction with top soil and vegetation removed. For active sites only. Look instead at ‘Urban - Vacant or Derelict Land’ if the site is disused.
If you wish to select this habitat on a habitat selection screen, it can be found under Urban (see guide).
Assessment Questions
Is this an actively worked site where resources are being extracted?
Has the topsoil and vegetation been removed?
If YES, then it is likely 'Urban - Actively Worked Sand Pit Quarry or open cast mine'. If NO, it may be ‘Urban - Vacant or derelict land’
How to Create / Enhance to a "Good" condition
How to create
The design and management of quarries and mines will have specific competency requirements which should be demonstrated where these habitats are targeted in the SSM.
How to get a "moderate" rating
It is not possible to get a moderate rating for this habitat
How to get a "good" rating
It is not possible to get a good rating for this habitat
It is not possible to enhance this habitat. You may wish to create a new habitat or buy off-site units.
Please note that this is a simple guide to help identify the habitat. For a definitive description, please refer to UKHab documentation. Joe's Blooms takes no responsibility for the content of external links.