Shift Templates - an Introduction

What is a shift template

Jhoanna Verina avatar
Written by Jhoanna Verina
Updated over a week ago

A "Shift template" (or Job card or Booking card) is a combination of job description, worker requirements, and a set of rates and rules that determine which workers can work a particular job and how much they will be paid and the end-client charged. 

You need to create a Shift template for each role that you are supplying. Within each Shift template you can set different rate variations depending on the type of worker, such as Pre-parity, Parity, Ltd or Partner agency.

Shift Template screen

To access the Shift templates screen, go to Plan > Shift Templates. Please note, the label for Shift template may be different depending on what organisation you are from, as the labels can be set to your organisation's preferences.

This screen shows the various Shift templates that exist for the branch shown at the top - in this case for Camden. If you have Admin access then you will be able to see the below options for Create, Disable and Clone.

If you don't have Admin access then you will just be able to see the shift templates, and will need to contact someone in your organisation who does have Admin access if you need to edit any templates.

You can change the site you're viewing using the drop down list:

Admin access

If you have Admin access and want to create or edit your Shift templates, please look at the below articles for more info:

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