Release 16 September 2024
We’ve added support for our signing order feature in combination with our DocuSign integration.
You can now use it on any contract that is set to be sent for signature via DocuSign.
Release 29 August 2024
We've added a new font to editor which allows you to more easily write and read contracts in Arabic and Hebrew.
All regular formatting can be used with this font including bold, italics, underline and strikethrough
The font is called 'IBM Plex Sans' and is available to use now.
Release 14 August 2024
We've released a new read-only role called Viewer. Admins can now grant the Viewer role to workspace members to decrease risk.
Viewers can:
View existing contracts they have access to
Approve and sign contracts
Download contracts
Viewers cannot:
Upload or create new contracts
Edit existing contracts, including smartfields
Release 01 August 2024
We've released Customisable Margins and Page Layouts
Customise your margin sizes
There is a new 'Page setup' modal on the editor which allows you to update and customise margin sizes in cm
Choose a page layout
Ability to choose your own margin size OR select a default page layout from the following:
Juro default margin
(Letter and Legal are page layouts frequently used by US customers)
Customise header and footer sizes
We've also added the ability to customise header and footer margins (spacing from top / bottom of the page) - this helps format the header/footer in line with different margin sizes
Release 31 July 2024
Improved signature experience - because everyone loves getting to a fully signed document.
'Assign to' button
Assign a signature block simpler and more intuitively using the new 'Assign to' button. This reduces the risk of a user mistakenly deleting a block and you losing any custom company formatting to it (e.g. asking for the signatory title).
Warning window if a user attempts to delete a block
Users are now warned and asked if they want to proceed if they attempt to delete a signature block.
Wording improvements
Release 19 July 2024
More improvements to version review!
Changes tab
Analyze changes to your documents faster with the new changes menu within version review. This shows a list of all text changes and suggestions within a version and contains word counts to help you understand the volume of changes.
Navigation bar
Release 01 July 2024
Add header and footers to documents and templates
Hover over the very top or bottom area of a document to reveal the header and footer section. Click into the area to add and edit the header or footer.
You can use most functionalities you are used to from the normal editor such as tables, images, rules, and all text formatting options.
Add page numbers in headers and footers
You can add a page number placeholder that shows the correct page number on export to a PDF or docx. To add a page number use the toolbar inside the header or footer or open the ‘Options’ menu in the top right area and add a page number from there.
Available on demand
You can also access added headers or footers when scrolling through a document. Press the ‘Header’ / ‘Footer’ button at the top or bottom edge of the document to open the overlay. Click into the overlay to edit the contents.
You can remove header and footer individually by deleting all their content or using the remove function in the ‘Options’ menu.
Release 26 June 2024
Define default access via templates
Now you can define which member groups can use templates and have access to contracts created from those templates
Granular access controls on individual contracts
Customise access on individual contracts with more granular permissions
Bulk permissions actions
Add or remove groups to multiple contracts with a few clicks through table views
Release 20 June 2024
Revert to any previous version
You can now restore any version of a document within version review in the timeline. Click the timeline icon on the right hand side of any document to access it, then open any specific version and press 'Restore'.
Restoring a version will restore the text as well as other document attributes such as smartfields. You can see a full list of impacted properties when restoring. Note: Versions created before June 2024 cannot be restored.
Release 16 May 2024
Compare any version with any version
You can now enhance your legal review superpowers by viewing one version and pressing compare on any other version tile!
Name versions
Add more helpful context to what happened within a version by naming and labelling it.
Download versions as DOCX and PDF
Release 25 April 2024
Edit/Track changes Switch
To improve clarity we have updated the UX of the switch to change between full editing mode and the mode where changes will be captured as suggestions.
Release 17 April 2024
Merge and split cells - the final release of our formatting series we are adding additional table functions, available on import, export and inside Juro.
Merging cells - To merge cells select the cells you wish to merge and use the merge icon on the floating tool bar.
Splitting cells - To split cells, select the previously merged cell and use the split icon on the floating tool bar.
Release 8 April 2024
Indentation Improvements
Paragraph indentation - position your text as you desire using the indent controls in the formatting tool bar.
Zero indent lists - A new set of list types allowing for a fixed level of indentation for all levels of a list.
Release 27 March 2024
Ownership change - workspace admins can now change the owner of contracts and templates to help keep workspaces organized and structured.
Access transparency - users can see which member groups in the workspace have access to contracts.
Counterparty version history - now, counterparties have access to a limited form of versioning to help them better understand the document sent to them. As an example, this will be helpful where the counterparty signatory needs to know their legal team has touched the document. Confidential items, like internal comments or document changes that have occurred before they enter the document for the first time, are not shown to them.
‘Negotiation mode’ UI update - we’ve updated the UI of our ‘negotiation mode’ to bring it in line with our improved timeline visual patterns. It’s now simpler to read and understand!
Release 26 March 2024
Juro and Ashby integration
Automate HR contracts - generate HR documents without leaving Ashby, no more jumping between tools.
Populate contracts - map data fields in Ashby straight to Juro.
Track contracts - real-time visibility in Ashby as applicants move through the contracting process.
Release 18 March 2024
Activities view in the timeline - you can now toggle from versions to activities within the timeline, to see a detailed breakdown of who's made what changes, and when. This filterable, more granular view allows you to easily investigate and resolve issues within the contract's changes, by:
Reviewing changes in “Smartfields edited”, “Document edited”, and “Workflow changes” activities
Reviewing the detail of changes made via "Comments" and "Suggestions"
Filtering the view by activity type if you’re on the hunt for specific changes
Release 14 March 2024
Fonts - the next in our series of formatting improvements today we are expanding our selection of fonts!
10 new fonts - Arial, Courier New, Lucida, Gill Sans, Georgia, Palatino, Verdana, Tahoma, Times New Roman and Trebuchet
Upgrade of default fonts - Your current Juro fonts will still be available but much easier to use along with the new fonts with a brand new selector in the tool bar.
Import/export - Supported fonts will be maintained on import and export
Embedded contract view - You can now embed a view of the contract into your Salesforce opportunities or accounts and interact with that contract straight from Salesforce!
Add a new contract component to your opportunities or accounts via the lightning all builder
The most recent contract will then be displayed in the widget where you can interact with it without leaving Salesforce
Release 5 March 2024
Cell background colours - continuing on our series of new formatting features today we are adding more ways to brand your documents by styling your tables with cell background colours. To apply a background colour select the cells you want to colour and use the floating tool bar to select your desired colour. As always there are:
Unlimited colours - use our predefined colours in the editor or add your own custom colours.
Import/export - when you import/export a template or contract the cell background colours will be maintained.
Release 4 March 2024
Further improvements to version review - we are continuing to improve your visibility into how a document has changed and who made the changes.
Changes displayed more clearly in version review - after pressing 'View version' in the Timeline to enter version review, you can now see text additions and deletions in addition to smartfield changes.
More details in the 'workflow changes' activity whilst in version review - for example, you can now see whether a reviewer or signatory was edited.
Easier comment & suggestion tracking from the Timeline - now, the content of both comments and suggestions is directly shown within the Timeline.
Release 15 February 2024
Text Highlighting - continuing on our series of new formatting features today we are adding more ways to review and collaborate on documents with text highlighting.
Unlimited colours - use our predefined colours in the editor or add your own custom colours.
Import/export - when you import/export a template or contract the text highlight will be maintained.
Release 08 February 2024
New text formatting options! - continuing on our series of new formatting features today we are building on text formatting styles with the release of strikethrough, subscript and superscript:
Strikethrough - introducing a new way to collaborate when creating contracts.
Superscript/subscript - allowing the manual support of footnotes and references.
Import/export - when you import/export a template or contract the strikethrough and subscript/superscript formatting will be maintained.
Release 26 January 2024
A new Timeline view! - now you have a new Timeline, which you can find in the right-hand sidebar. Contained within you can now see a detailed list of the changes to a document, meaning you can catch up on adjustments and approve contracts faster.
Faster loading - the new Timeline now loads significantly faster. Super useful if your document has a lot of versions.
Additional technical improvements - we've released a number of under-the-hood technical improvements, such as an improved logic for version creation.
Lots more to come - We are continuing to work on the Timeline and versioning system for the coming weeks and months. Watch this space!
Release 24 January 2024
Text Colours - we've released the first in a series of new formatting features, text colours. Allowing more flexibility in customising your contracts, supporting additional review methods and improving import consistency.
Unlimited colours - use our predefined colours in the editor or add your own custom colours.
Import/export text colours - when you import/export a template or contract the text colours will be maintained.
Release 3 January 2024
Font sizing - we’ve update our font sizing system to be inline with Word and G-docs. This will make usage of the editor more intuitive and improve import and export experience.
What does this actually mean? - we have moved from a standard web pixel based system to the Word points based system.
What will change? - the number representing the font sizes you typically use may change, the size of the text in your contracts will not.
Release 29 November 2023
Member groups – we've released our new access control feature to streamline user access to workspaces (aka teams).
Creating member groups – you can now create groups and add members from your organization to these groups, streamlining access management. Groups can represent a unit or team within your organization, such as “Sales team” or “Legal ops”.
Add member groups to workspaces – once you have your groups created, you can give these groups access to different workspaces and define a role (admin, editor, user) on that workspace. This means you no longer need to add individual users to multiple workspaces one by one.
Release 2 November 2023
Suggestions upgrades v2 - we’ve added even more flexibility and interoperability to Juro’s track changes. Now you can:
Toggle between leaving your own track changes or free text edit from when a contract is created - this unlocks the ability to collaborate internally on a contract prior to it being sent to a counter party, or review a 3rd party contract sent to you.
Delete your own tracked changes - remove any internal collaboration you don’t want to share externally prior to sending and keep what you do.
Import tracked changes - uploading a new version of a contract into Juro, all changes to that contract can be highlighted as suggestions for review, ensuring changes to a contract don't go unnoticed and accurate records are maintained.
Export track changes - now when exporting a contract from Juro suggestions on that contract are also exported, perfect for those 3rd party reviews.
Release 31 October 2023
Improvements to our AI Assistant - we've released significant improvements in our AI Assistant's ability to analyze longer documents, and the ease of use of playbooks.
To support longer contracts we’ve increased capacity so you can use AI Assistant to perform tasks on contracts up to approximately 75,000 words.
Answers are now generated live to give you confidence our AI Assistant is processing your request.
It's now easier than ever to use playbooks thanks to the addition of shortcuts, which help you apply best practices.
Release 2 October 2023
Signing side in table view — we're excited to introduce the ability to add the external signing side as a column in the table view. Now, you can sort and filter documents based on the counterparties, offering a streamlined user experience to manage and organize them.
Release 21 September 2023
AI Assistant (Public Release) - we released substantial improvements in system stability and capacity, optimizing the platform's ability to manage extended queries.
A user-friendly "Ask AI" button is now conveniently integrated into the toolbar, streamlining your interaction with the system.
Utilize keyboard shortcuts to swiftly access a curated list of highly effective prompts.
We've also added markdown functionality to simplify the creation of tables and other rich text formats.
The new visual interface of the AI sidebar has been aesthetically and functionally refined for an enhanced user experience.
Release 5 September 2023
Suggestions upgrades v1 — we've added a lot more flexibility to Juro's track changes. Now you can:
(i) Toggle between leaving your own track changes or free text edits after a counterparty has interacted with your contract - not everything in a contract is set in stone immediately, now it's easier to leave track changes that the other side can interact with, rather than simply making an edit to the document.
(ii) Accept and reject your own track changes - same as in Word. This is useful for when a track change is not under contention (such as when responding positively to a counterparty negotiation proposal).
(iii) Collaborate on templates with template level track changes - Now you can review and discuss templates and the clauses within them. All suggestions left on a template will be deleted for created contracts.
Release 31 August 2023
Conditional rules for Internal forms — we've introduced conditional rules for Internal forms. Now you can determine what questions to ask your internal users based on their answers. Set up these rules on the template levels and simplify the questionnaire flow. For this release, each question supports one rule with one condition.
Release 11 August 2023
Skip already populated form — now, if a form is completed once, you can re-enter the link and directly access the contract. If another signatory from the same side enters the link, they will only be asked the mandatory questions, reducing duplication and confusion. This also benefits reviewers - if they have already completed the forms, signatories will only need to answer the mandatory questions. And if you've partially completed a form, you can pick up right where you left off.
New Editor — We’ve made the editor faster and more familiar. The key updates are:
(i) Document outline - Juro documents now look like a page on desktop devices with a document outline. Counterparts will also see this page view. On mobile and tablet, the webview is maintained to optimise scalability and experience.
(ii) Upgraded sidebars - Access core features such as comments faster in our new floating sidebar.(iii) New formatting bar - Our formatting bar is now pinned at the top, making it easier to reformat your documents.
(iv) New undo and redo buttons - You can now fix any formatting mistakes faster!
(v) Slimmer top panel - We’ve reduced the size of the top panel, making it easier to focus on the document itself.
Internal/External comment switcher — Now, it's simpler and faster to leave external comments - when you highlight text, you can leave either an internal or an external comment by pressing on the comment icon in the top toolbar.
The switcher will default to an internal comment to mitigate the risk in exposing information to the counterparty.
Release 28 July 2023
AI Assistant (beta) — Announcing Juro’s AI Assistant beta, available now on our new editor for admin and editor level users 🎉
Set powerful guardrails for the AI Assistant, enabling it to perform:
(i) AI draft: create and amend contracts without leaving Juro
(ii) AI review: slash contract review times by up to 90% with prompt-based contract reviews
(iii) AI summarize: summarise clauses and whole contracts in a matter of seconds.
Request access in the AI Assistant sidebar on our new editor now!
Document outline (new editor) — Our previous editor update made the experience faster. Now we are making it more familiar. Juro documents will look more like a page on desktop devices - with a document outline. Counterparties will also see the page view on desktop. On mobile and tablet, the web view is maintained to optimise scalability and experience.
Release 25 July 2023
Conditional rules for External forms — we've introduced conditional rules for External forms. Now you can determine what questions to ask your counterparties based on their answers. For this release, each question supports one rule with one condition. Set up these rules at both the template and contract levels, and extend their functionality to draft link questionnaires.
Release 24 July 2023
Preview our new editor 🎉
Our new editor is faster, easier to use, and more familiar. Try it out now by pressing 'preview new editor' in the UI!
We've improved the editing and formatting experience, in addition to redesigning the controls and navigation.
(i) Upgraded sidebars:
You can now access core features such as sidebars and comments faster in our new floating sidebar.
(ii) New formatting bar:
Our formatting bar is now fixed at the top, making it easier to reformat and adjust your documents.(iii) New undo and redo buttons:
We've added new undo and redo buttons. You can now fix any formatting mistakes faster!
(iv) New top panel
We've reduced the size of our top panel, making it more familiar for users transitioning from other document editors and giving more focus to the document itself.
Release 18 July 2023
Form’s UX improvements — to improve clarity and efficiency we've refined some of our language and processes:
What was previously referred to as "Q&A" is now "Form"
The term "counterparty" has replaced "the other party"
"System" and "Custom" smartfields have taken the place of "User" and "Basic" smartfields.
Furthermore, we've removed the internal form at the contract level; if customization is needed, you can adjust the settings at the template level.
Release 3 July 2023
Progress bar for Form (prev. Q&A) — we've added a progress bar to the internal Q&A, providing a visual guide on how much of the form you've completed and fixed progress calculation for the internal and external sides.
Release 11 May 2023
Comments Import and Export – Our text editor now allows you to import comments with Word documents. What's more, users can choose which comments to upload, allowing you to focus only on the information that's most relevant to your contract.
We're confident that this new feature will make a big difference in the contract drafting process, and we can't wait to see how it helps streamline your workflow and improve your process.
Release 2 May 2023
Improved UI in Q&A — personalize your Welcome page with your company logo, color, and customized message. Also, easily review and edit Q&A summaries with our Completion page and track progress with the progress bar.
Release 25 April 2023
Setting up drafts sent for review via email — we’ve made collaboration through the draft review feature even better: 1. use default or custom messages for internal and external reviewers right through the “reviewers” interface in the document, 2. manage email notifications in the case when a draft link is resubmitted; and 3. control reviewers’ access to a draft document link by simply deleting them from the reviewers’ list.
Release 12 April 2023
Signing reminders expiration date — set up an expiration date for signing reminders in case you want to flexibly manage how long you want to remind the counterparty to sign the contract. This setting will be available only for the newly created documents and not affect the ones that already were sent
Send drafts for review via email — save time in your document review process - now, you can send a review request directly via email in Juro, the same as sending a signing link! Add the reviewer as normal, and press ‘Send for review’ to send them an email request. You can also still copy the link as before.
Release 4 April 2023
Editor presence - You are now shown the presence of your colleagues in a Juro document, both in the top right and where they are clicking in the document in question.
Hubspot Template mapping - Zero Value overides.
During template / Smart Field mapping, there is a new option to replace ZERO values for quantity and Price
Users can choose to make the value Blank
Users can choose an override text value
The presence of a value override in the template is shown without the need to edit.
An On-demand update of any un-signed document from Hubspot.
A new control will re-push data from Hubspot to the Juro Document
Any changes to the document outside of the Hubspot sourced data will be retained
The Hubspot -> Juro update allows a complete re-push of Hubspot data to the selected document. This allows for the legal language to be negotiated in Juro and the deal or other data to be updated in Hubspot, then simply re-merged via an update control. This update ensures that the Hubspot data and the Juro document are consistent and negotiated language etc is not lost.
Note: This is an on-demand update of the document to ensure that there is no possibility of partial updates and also in the event of technical issues preventing an update, the update can be quickly and easily made.
Release 27 March 2023
2FA (two-factor authentication) — protect your account from unauthorized access and keep your sensitive data secure by adding an extra layer of security with our new two-factor authentication in your profile's settings.
Release 17 March 2023
Upgraded versions approval flow — stay on top of approvals when uploading a new PDF as a version - now, Juro has two new control steps for approvers:
Approvers will be asked to reapprove after a new version is uploaded, and
If a PDF is uploaded as a final version of a contract, approvers have the ability to accept this.
Signing reminders in a template — set up them once in a template, and all contracts associated with that template will have reminders enabled.
Release 3 March 2023
Upgraded DOCX versioning - any Word documents chosen for upload will be automatically scanned to check whether they originated in Juro, allowing you to seamlessly pair them with their original versions (even if in PDF format). You can upload multiple documents simultaneously, using the main dashboard or within any specific Juro contract.
Release 17 February 2023
Cross-references — you can now easily link text within your documents to specific paragraph numbers. Your cross-references will automatically update and be checked before being sent to the counterparty. Everything is like in Word, only better!
Release 31 January 2023
Upload PDF over existing uploaded — now, after uploading the PDF over the existing contract, you can choose “uploaded” status, which allows you to upload the file again, so when working with versions, you are no longer limited in the number of uploaded versions of the contract until you choose the “fully signed” status or when all signatories will sign the contract.
Release 16 January 2023
Signing reminders — you no longer have to manually remind your parties to sign a contract by sending countless emails - just enable signing reminders, set up when you want to send the first reminder, and repetitiveness. If the signing by the party has not happened yet, Juro will automatically remind them and, after signing, stop doing it.
Releases from 2022 and before
Releases from 2022 and before
Release 15 December 2022
Hubspot contracts with product list data — you can map Hubspot deal line items into tables within Juro contract templates, which will be automatically populated at contract creation time. This is especially useful for creating quotes and other line-item intensive contracts via Juro.
Hubspot iFrame support — Juro contracts are no longer opened in a separate TAB but are now opened within Hubspot. This means that the users no longer need to find and refresh additional tabs to see the contract details.
PDF as version through the dashboard — when uploading PDF files through the dashboard, we check whether this PDF is a version of the existing contract and if so, we will offer you to upload as a version or upload it as a new one. You are not limited to the number of PDFs that you can upload as versions, and you can also work with encrypted files immediately when uploading them.
Release 13 December 2022
Version improvements — contract owners can view a summary of new comments and suggestions from their counterparties in a more intuitive and user-friendly interface and decide whether to accept or reject them.
Release 5 December 2022
Search fixes — we improved the quality and relevance of results in the Search and table views representation and their visual display; you can now narrow your search with the new Teams filter.
Release 1 November 2022
PDF as version — now you can upload PDF files over an existing document to keep the final version of your agreement in Juro. You will be able to see all changes to the contract in the Timeline as before, but the final version will be fully signed and no longer available for editing. Previous information from the original document (before the PDF upload), such as comments and smartfields, will still be available and searchable in the document.
Release 27 October 2022
CC recipients — stay updated with what's happening with your documents. We've added additional notification statuses for recipients about documents, such as Sent for signing and Signed by anyone of the parties. When the document is Fully signed, all recipients will receive a signed PDF file as before.
Release 14 October 2022
List options upgrade — we've added to the list options you can choose from when editing documents. Now you can continue numbering where you left off or start a brand new list. You also have a range of formats to choose from - enjoy!
Release 3 October 2022
Document creator notifications — in the new notification center, the document creator can subscribe and unsubscribe to the statuses they want to be notified about. The notification will automatically apply to all documents, so you don't miss any important events. To manage notifications, go to Settings -> Notifications.
Release 23 September 2022
Simplified document tagging — upload one or more documents and select your smartfields from a template. This streamlined way to tag your documents makes tracking all your documents at scale easier.
Template descriptions — with so many templates to choose from, it can be challenging to find the right one for your document. Now you can add descriptions to templates on the smartfields panel, helping you speed up the process as you upload your documents.
Release 21 September 2022
New redline formatting — monitor contract changes and track new suggestions more efficiently with our new redline formatting design.
New version changes — this new design for versions will allow you to easily and quickly find changes in your documents.
Release 15 August 2022
Bullet lists — text editing becomes even more flexible with the new list formatting option. You can now structure your document by applying bullet lists to linked but unordered data. When you import and export from Word, bullet lists are saved in the document's body.
Release 28 July 2022
Simplify document upload — you can faster choose the way to add a new document by creating a new one or uploading an existing one. Uploading files has now become even easier – drag one or more files to the drop zone. Choosing a document type and populating it with smartfields became more obvious. To find the right document type faster, use the search and the column with the list of smartfields. But if you don't need a document type, skip this step. In the next release, we will try to make this feature even more convenient.
Release 28 July 2022
Document modals and sidebars — working with the document become much more enjoyable because we have updated and improved all dialog modals and sidebars in the document's viewing and editing modes. The changes affected all elements in the panels: smartfields, rules, external and internal comments, q&a, signing, attachments, and other actions. Now it is easier to interact with the panels as the typography is more readable, the colors are more contrasting, and the elements are larger and more intuitive, especially when interacting with them using the keyboard and a mouse or trackpad. We strive to make our service more accessible and convenient for all users.
Release 27 July 2022
Salesforce upgrade — we’ve released an updated version of Salesforce. Custom objects two-way synch sets up two-way synchronization for any object, whether it's Salesforce or your custom object. In just a few minutes of configuration, you can sync any data between Juro and Salesforce. Flexible signing requests allow you to send a signature request to a specific person or group as you wish. Please follow this link to learn more and update your current version of Salesforcе.
Release 11 July 2022
Line spacing — you can now edit line spacing in the editor for an entire paragraph, giving you more flexibility in managing contract content. You can resize a contract by formatting different parts of the contract differently and using smaller or larger line spacing. Simply choose one of the predefined values or use customizable values by clicking the Custom spacing field.
Release 8 July 2022
Zapier - enrich event context — we have enhanced our out-of-the-box webhooks! Our comment webhooks will now tell you who initiated the event, the author’s name and email, whether internal or external comments, and even the comment content. This way, you can track progress and get comment data directly on all other platforms. This is now available through the Juro API and also within Zapier to allow you to connect your comment data with >5,000 applications.
Release 30 June 2022
Font sizes — we have expanded the text size options to give you more control over formatting. Using the new drop-down menu, you can enter any size or select an appropriate size from the default settings with values between 8 and 400. When you select a header style, the font size is reset to the same value as for the headers. Use smaller font sizes to put more content on the page, or larger font sizes to highlight the most important things and structure your document.
Release 17 June 2022
Integration with HubSpot (pilot version) — now you can create and edit documents based on the deal, contact, or company record in HubSpot. We've launched a pilot version of the Juro and Hubspot integration, which currently has two limitations: the ability to select contracts and map fields. These features will be available in Q3 2022. In the meantime, you can try out the current version by uploading a document or creating a document from scratch in the app. Track all documents created or sent from this record directly through HubSpot to stay in control of your work.
Release 16 June 2022
Heading sizes — you are no longer limited in formatting the headings in your document. A new area in the toolbar allows you to format text as headings of any size from 1 to 5. This will enable you to create and edit headers that suit your needs and style.
Release 14 June 2022
Improving search — you can now see all search results, refine your search, and return to previous searches. The new version of Search also includes categories that let you group search results by criteria so you can find them more easily in the future. Filters by status and assignee help you find your in-progress questions, and filters by category help you find the right searches faster.
Release 7 June 2022
Document header — you will increase your productivity and get more with the first of many user interface improvements. This document header includes already familiar to us basic information about documents, such as naming, status, when the document was seen, and download/upload functions but with readability improvements. It will help you navigate your documents quickly and improve your workload significantly, so let’s start right now!
Release 2 June 2022
Toolbar upgrade — you can take your work with the text to the next level! A new toolbar in our contract editor - it’s cleaner, better organised, and easier to use. Also, we’ve merged comment & suggestion buttons for in-body suggests: you can now comment, reject and accept changes all in one place.
Release 27 May 2022
Custom email branding — you can now update text in your transactional emails, as well as include your company logo, and change the button and base color in the email. Bring your company's brand through in your contract emails, in order to increase trust and engagement from your counterparties.
Release 19 May 2022
Page breaks — now you can achieve better control in the editor by manually adding page breaks. Specify where page breaks will be located and customise them. Exported PDF documents will retain those page breaks so you can have better formatting options and control the structure of information in your agreements.
Release 31 March 2022
Rules for external approvers — now you can send approval requests to anyone outside your organization. Once you send an approval request, the approver is notified of the request via email. The email includes a link to view the document, which they can use to approve or reject the document, as well as comment or suggest. Once the approver confirms the request, the sender of the document is also notified by email.
Release 3 March 2022
Conditional approvers — with conditional approvers feature you can automate any document approval workflow. We have also upgraded conditional functionality with rules to make working with contract more flexible and speed up any agreement.
Release 17 February 2022
Version review — you now have a way to see all the changes coming from people you negotiate with. You now don’t need to search for comments and suggestions throughout the document. You can now see all version changes in one place and review versions much faster. This means less time reviewing and replying as well as reducing time to approve.
Negotiation mode — you now have the ability to choose how fast you want to agree a document. If you have a long and complex process with a lot of negotiation, you can choose negotiation mode. With this you will get a lot of tools to make even the more complex negotiation process delightful. If you need to get a simple confirmation and a signature you can still use the default Juro flow.
Release 13 January 2022
Negotiations — sometimes it takes time to reach an agreement, forcing you to switch between tools to find a consensus. We’re bringing the puzzle together by introducing versions and combining them with other collaborative features to let you negotiate contracts without leaving your browser.
Now you can use versions in Juro to track all amendments in one place, instantly getting visibility and staying in control of your work. Use mentions in comments to notify your team instantly, and use threads to keep track of the details, no matter how complex things get. By decreasing tool-switching, you can decrease your turnaround time and agree faster.
Release 29 December 2021
Extended conditions — from today in conditions, you have access to any type of smartfields - number and date, text and information from companies house, email, and even choice! Moreover, each of these fields has a different set of conditions, so you can customize the display and hiding of text in more detail than ever before. We also have significantly improved the functionality of setting conditions so that you can quickly, conveniently, and pleasantly use our updated feature.
Release 23 September 2021
Zapier integration — integrate Juro with 4000+ apps in a no-code environment. Everything from HubSpot to Notion to Google Sheets without writing a line of code. Find out more here.
Comment threads and improvements — reply directly to a comment or a suggestion to create a thread. You can also now edit comments after they are made.
Release 12 August 2021
Google Drive integration improvements — you can now import your documents from GDrive at any point in time by connecting your Google account in settings.
Mail integration — transfer your PDF and Word attachments
from mail to Juro with a given email address.
Release 5 August 2021
Dates & Numbers formatting — just choose the region for your team and all dates and numbers in Juro will be formatted according to your local rules.
Release 30 June 2021
Quick access to sidebars — now you can just pin buttons to open the sidebars of your favourite.
Release 10 June 2021
External attachments — counterparties can now send through attachments during negotiation.
Instant notifications and document updates — now you don’t need to refresh the page to see who approved or signed your document. You're notified instantly, and changes are instantly applied too.
Mass-send for approval — you can now easily send multiple documents for approval.
Release 20 May 2021
Google Drive integration — you can now easily import documents from Google Drive into Juro. Your folder structure will be retained as smart fields, which you can use to search, organize and structure your data.
Sharing documents — there's now an easy way to share a document with other people even if they are not Juro users.
Anonymous signatories improvements — a quality-of-life improvement: if you don’t know who'll be signing, you can easily select by pressing enter, or navigating with the keyboard, after clicking on the placeholder for who will sign.
Release 13 May 2021
Document count on dashboard — when working with a dashboard you can easily see the total document count and how many documents are selected.
Release 6 May 2021
Q&A improvements — it's now easier and faster to adjust questions that your team or someone else answers when creating or signing a document.
Release 29 April 2021
Workflows improvements — we have combined the upload and create flows into one button to allow a streamlined way to create documents in Juro. You can now both upload and create documents from templates by pressing "Add document" on your dashboard.
We have also introduced a way to handle multiple workflows. You can now choose any existing template to create or upload a document and retain structured data and other settings from that template.
Recent instant activities — you now have instant visibilily into who has viewed without refreshing the page.
Basic smart fields — infromation about your contract modified and fully signed dates is now available as smart fields. You can use that to update or build new dashboards or advanced search.
Release 24 March 2021
Word handling improvements — more stability was added to Word import and export. When importing a previously exported document Juro will look for the source document and create a new version.
Editable choice smart fields — a quality of life improvement, you can now change an existing choice value in a smart field.
Mass move documents to another team — you can now easily move documents between teams in bulk.
Release 11 February 2021 ✉️
Mass creation of documents — you can now create as many contracts as you need, based on a template and a csv file.
Mass upload of documents — you can now upload all of your documents and attach metadata based on a csv file.
Controlling edits — you can set specific access levels to stop unauthorized edits to your documents.
Dashboard for templates — you can now organize your templates in the same way you organize your documents; filter, search and sort them as needed.
Release 28 January 2021 ✉️
Mass sending — you can now send for signing multiple documents at once by selecting them in your dashboard
Release 18 November 2020 📝
Signing order — you can now enable the ability to send out signatures sequentially and control the order in which you collect them
Release 5 November 2020 📢
Uploaded document workflow — automatically set approvers and signatories, and pull other data from existing templates for incoming PDFs
Mentions — you can now tag your team members in comments to draw their attention to something specific in an agreement
New transactional emails — now clean, crisp and consistent
Release 1 October 2020 🔎
Dashboard reordering, you can now reorder your dashboard to bring the data that's most important to you to the top.
Navigation from search, you can now navigate from search to the correct place in the document and highlight the text you searched for.
Release 10 September 2020 📝
Google Drive for teams, you can synchronize Juro documents with your organization's team drive.
More list styles in the editor, bullet points, numbers or letters, we've got you covered.
Release 31 July 2020 📦
Export dashboard data, get data from any of your custom dashboards in a CSV format.
Hyperlinks, add clickable links to external web resources in the contract editor.
Shareable attachments, you can now make attachments visible to counterparties and share them together with the contract.
Release 15 July 2020 📝
PDF e-signing, TLDR; you can sign PDFs. The signing process works in the same way your normal signing flow — after you’ve added the signatory, just drag and drop their signing block onto the contract where you want their signature to be. This will work both for new as well as existing uploaded documents.
Combining filters, to get more granular and complex data, you can use the ‘OR’ condition to combine multiple filters into one.
Numbering and date comparisons, use conditional criteria to create greater than, less than and similar filters.
Better attachment handling, you can now add attachments both before as well as after the document was signed.
Release 4 June 2020 📝
Adjust signing participants, you can now add or remove signatories even if someone has already signed the contract.
Activity page facelift, we're saying goodbye to the old design and finally bringing the audit trail on the activity page to a much better, readable state.
Dashboard duplication, you can now easily create new dashboards by duplicating existing ones and adjusting them as needed.
Better version handling, image changes are now visible when comparing document versions.
Release 7 May 2020 📝
Better copy paste from Word, nested numbering and numbering of lists are now much more stable, headers are now correctly reflected in lists and there are fewer unnecessary empty paragraphs.
Contract dashboard improvements, you can now drag and drop columns to adjust their position. It’s now also easier to clear a filter right from the column where it’s set up.
Release 29 April 2020 📝
Export to Word, you can now export any Juro document to work on in Microsoft Word in one click.
Release 23 April 2020 🏡
Restart signing process, you can restart the signing process by removing all signatures from a partially signed contract.
Column resizing in dashboards, you can adjust the width of a column in your dashboard to accommodate longer text.
Smart field suggestions, when adding a smart field, you can choose from those previously created, to stay consistent and avoid duplication.
Release 3 April 2020 🛳
Customizable contract dashboard, you can now select the data you want to display, filter and sort and turn that into a dashboard. You can also save multiple dashboards, rename them and share your custom dashboard with your team.
Mass actions on contracts, you can now sign, duplicate, archive and approve multiple contracts at the same time, this is possible from the custom dashboard screen.
Sign by typing, as it says, faster and for some people definitely a much more aesthetic experience.
Better signing experience, bigger signing pad as well as multiple usability improvements for signing on mobile.
Better visibility into integrations, you can now check your integrations health from settings, if it fails you will see a message with more information on the failure reason.
Better stability in emails, emails are now going out from
New favicon for the website.
As always, our Support Team is happy to help with you anything further if needed. Start a chat with us right here by clicking the blue Intercom button in the bottom-right-hand corner of this page.
Alternatively, you can email your query to 🚀