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Adding and using smartfields

Add and utilise smartfields to automate contract creation in Juro.

Jimmy Mooring avatar
Written by Jimmy Mooring
Updated over 7 months ago

Contents πŸš€

Introduction πŸ‘‹

Smartfields are custom-built data fields that you can use to populate key information points -like names, addresses and dates- on your contract. Using drag-and-drop functionality, you can pre-assign smartfields to your templates to streamline the population of key data points on your contracts.

Smartfields also serve as the framework of the contract repository; providing structured data that you can review and filter.

Smartfield types πŸ”˜

You can change the type of smartfield depending on need. Below is a list of the different smartfields types and their best use cases:



For shorter bits of text, e.g. a party’s name.

For longer bits of text, e.g. a full address.

For entering small amounts (e.g. 500) or a longer sequence of numbers (e.g. 12345678).

πŸ’‘ NOTE: Number strings cannot begin with a 0, so the Text field is more appropriate for things like phone or bank account numbers.

For active email addresses.

For selecting from a list of options, which you can create and customise (e.g. London, New York, Madrid, etc.)

For dates. You can also set reminders for contractual dates using this function.

To populate information for a business based on information held by Companies House.

Creating a smartfield ✏️

To create a new smartfield and add it to your template:

1. Click the Smartfields icon to open the SMARTFIELDS tab

2. Under CUSTOM SMARTFIELDS, click + Add Smartfield

3. Click the smartfield heading, type to rename your smartfield and press Enter to save the changes.

When you add a smartfield on a template, this will appear in a list of suggested naming options when you create smartfields on other templates.

4. If you need to change the smartfield type, you can do this by clicking the icon to

the right of the field and selecting the relevant option.

Read more about the different smartfield types and their best uses here.

To place a smartfield onto the document:

1. Hover your pointer over the smartfield and click and hold the 6 dots that appear to the left.

2. Drag and drop the smartfield to where you'd like it on the document.

πŸ’β€β™€οΈ As always, our Support Team is happy to help you with anything further if needed. Start a chat with us right here by clicking the Intercom button in the bottom-right-hand corner of this page.

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