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Managing template and contract access

Customers can define access to specific documents and set rules on templates for default access to documents.

Jimmy Mooring avatar
Written by Jimmy Mooring
Updated over 6 months ago

πŸ’‘ NOTE: Only workspace admins can create and edit templates.

Contents πŸš€

Introduction πŸ‘‹

With Juro's groups feature, you have granular control over access to your templates and contracts.

Where access requirements for certain documents are not workspace-wide, you can define these so that these are only visible to and accessible by the relevant stakeholders.

What is a group? πŸ‘ͺ

There are 4 access types at the workspace level: Admin, Editor, User and Viewer. By creating groups, you can add users to each of these and set an individual's access to be commensurate with what you want them to see and access in your workspace.
To simplify this further, you can now grant groups access to your templates so that the appropriate users can access a template and create contracts from it. Documents created from a template inherit that template's group permissions so they will also have access to all other documents created from that template.

Only groups with access to a template can create and upload documents from that template.

How do groups affect document access & visibility? πŸ‘οΈ

When an org admin adds a member group to a workspace, they must select which role the group will have:

  • Admin role: This group will have access to all existing templates and documents.

  • Editor, User, Viewer role: This group will not have access to any existing documents, this is to respect previous access decisions, i.e. a document has been restricted to a few member groups and I don’t want new member groups with access to this document.

If a user doesn't have access to a document (template or contract), the document will not:

  • be visible in their Juro environment: if they try to access the document using a direct link, they will get an error message

  • be returned in their search results: instead, a "nothing found" error will show

  • be returned in table view results

Managing groups on your templates 🌸

When an Admin creates a new template, all groups in that workspace will have access to the template by default. Groups that do not need access need to be removed by an Admin.

πŸ’‘ NOTE: To ensure that workspace admins always have access to all workspace content, this group level cannot be removed from templates or contracts.

To add/remove a group from your template after its creation:

1. Unpublish your template and click the permissions icon.

You can still view the list of groups if the template is published, but you won't be able to edit or remove these.

2. To add a group: in the search bar at the top of the window that opens (Add group from workspace name), type the name of the group to be added and select it.

To remove a group: In the window that opens, you'll see a list of the groups with current access to the template. Navigate to and hover your pointer over the relevant group and click the X that appears.

The option to remove will not show for Admin groups.

3. By default, an option is enabled to automatically grant access to any groups that are added to the workspace in the future. This can be disabled.

4. Once you've finished removing the selected groups, click Save changes.

Changes made to a template will only apply to future actions. If a group is added to your template it will not have automatic access to documents previously created from the template.

In cases like this, access must be granted on a document-by-document basis or by using the bulk assign feature (see below).

Managing groups on your contracts πŸ”‘

Defining access roles at the template level will naturally filter down into your contracts, so it's good to know how this works.

To add an internal user as a participant in your contract (i.e. as a signatory, approver, reviewer or recipient), they must be in a group that has access to the template. If they are not in one of these groups, they will not show as a selectable option in the SIGNATORIES, APPROVERS, REVIEWERS or RECIPIENTS dropdown menus.

Additionally, members cannot be mentioned in comments if they are not in a group with access to the contract.

New groups can also be added at the contract level. To do this:

1. Go into the contract and click the permissions icon at the top of the page.

2. In the window that opens, you'll see a list of the groups with current access to the contract. Navigate to and hover your pointer over the relevant group and click the X that appears.

This option to remove will not show for Admin groups.

3. Once you've finished removing the selected groups, click Save changes.

Bulk assigning access πŸ“š

Workspace admins can bulk add and remove groups from contracts by creating a table view (this option is not currently available for templates). This feature is especially useful when you add a new group to a workspace and want to grant its members access to historic contracts.

To do this:

1. Click the arrow next to Contracts in your sidebar and select + Add table view.

2. This will create a new table view of all the contracts in your workspace. When you select one or more of the checkboxes next to the contracts, an Actions bar will appear at the top of the page. From this, select Permissions.

3. To add a group: in the search bar at the top of the window that opens (Add group from workspace name), type the name of the group to be added and select it.

To remove a group: In the window that opens, you'll see a list of the groups with current access to the template. Navigate to and hover your pointer over the relevant group and click the X that appears.

4. Once you've finished removing the selected groups, click Save changes.

How does this impact my integrations with Juro? πŸ”—

A workspace member will need access to any templates they want to map. However, if a member maps a template to another platform and later has their access to the template revoked, the mapping will be retained.
If a user goes to create a contract from a template in one of your other platforms, they will only see templates to which they have been granted access in Juro.

πŸ’β€β™€οΈ As always, our Support Team is happy to help you with anything further if needed. Start a chat with us right here by clicking the Intercom button in the bottom-right-hand corner of this page.

Alternatively, you can email your query to πŸš€

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