Brand name column in the Ad Budget Overview is now frozen so it remains visible when scrolling to the right on the grid
Long-tail search terms are now included in the SEO exports in listing detail pages
Title benchmarks in the Content Audit have been updated to reflect Amazon’s new requirements; this includes a maximum title length of 200 characters and a check for words appearing more than twice
The baseline bulk upload for Content Protection now includes an option to upload a parent ASIN for the variation check
Unit Forecast workbooks now forecast 24 months out instead of 12 months
Customer Experience
Trendlines for Avg Rating and Volume have been added to the Product Reviews chart
Global Features
Rapid Retail Analytics for ordered vendor sales is being brought in throughout the platform as supplemental data until actualized shipped data has been made available in reporting. This will assist with the 72-hour delay vendor reports experience. View more information on how we utilize this data here
ASIN-level traffic data for both sellers and vendors has been added to the data connector
Current Budget column in Insufficient Budget alert grid was not allowing users to edit
Bullet points were sometimes being duplicated in Content Audit, causing items to flag for too many bullet points
Metrics drop-down in vendor item ASIN detail pages were adding vendor total sales multiple times when any action was taken
Quickly changing tabs in Inventory or Advertising would sometimes create an infinite loop where the tabs would flip back and forth on their own
Customer Returns filter above the chart was not updating anything, and the sorting in the grid below was also not functioning
Negative target creation was not working for Sponsored Brands