Before we walk you through the shipment creation workflow, we want to make you aware of some limitations that exist in Amazon's APIs today. We expect at least some of these will be solved for when new APIs are released sometime in 2024, but want to make you aware of some pieces that do not currently function.
The Amazon API has a limitation of 200 SKUs per shipment
FNSKU Labels are not available via the API, but we do offer our own version for printing in step 1
Cannot ship non-Amazon Partnered Carrier for LTL
Cannot indicate Amazon needs to prep and/or label products
Cannot change number of boxes once confirmed
If a shipment is switched over to Send to Amazon within Seller Central, no further edits can be made via API within Kapoq
We can only partially support 2D barcodes, meaning you can create shipments in our platform for them but cannot print shipping labels, schedule LTL pick-up, or complete a shipment from within Kapoq
Now that we've outlined limitations, let’s start by walking through the best practices to setup your products prior to creating shipments in Kapoq. The following will simplify the shipment creation process as you proceed through the shipment creation workflow.
As an alternative to the below guide, we walk through shipment creation in Kapoq on our Shipment Creation Webinar - click play below:
Start by Inputting and Assigning Sources in Kapoq
Sources act as your address and contact book for FBA Shipment Creation, allowing Kapoq to automatically fill in information such as your ship-from address when using the shipment workflow. For a walk through, take a look at our resource guide - Setting Up Sources
Upload Case Pack and Box Information
Case Pack and Box information feed into the shipment creation process and will be required when in the shipment creation workflow. By setting up Case Pack and Box Information in advance of creating shipments, you'll speed up the process to complete the shipment faster as we'll reference the box info you've previously provided.
To start, navigate to the All FBA Inventory tab and update Case Pack and Box info by updating the details the following ways:
Method 1 - Individually Through the Grid
Within the All FBA Inventory grid, there is a column group labeled as Reorder Settings. Expand the Reorder settings and Case Pack Qty, Dimension, and Weight columns will appear. You can click into each cell and update the parameters to accurate represent the box info for the SKU.
Method 2 - Via Bulk Upload
The easiest method when updating a large number of SKUs or assigning more than one source across your catalog, is using the bulk upload template.
From the All FBA Inventory grid, select the 'Bulk Upload' button in the right corner, then choose the '1) Download Excel Template' option.
In column H - P of the template, you can input Case Pack Quantities and box weight and dimensions for all SKUs within the file.
Please ensure that you are not changing the layout of the template in any way, such as removing the top row, adding or removing columns, renaming columns, adding tabs, etc. Only update the cells that are indicated as editable.
Go back to the Manage Inventory grid, select the 'Bulk Upload' button, and then choose the '2) Upload Completed Template'. You will receive a message indicating if the upload was a success or if there are errors that need to be addressed. Any items that were successfully uploaded will have sources assigned to them in the grid.
How to start the Shipment Creation Workflow
There are a few ways to get to the shipment creation workflow - via the All FBA Inventory tab, FBA Restock tab, or through a Bulk Upload. All options are shown below:
Method 1 - Through the Actions Menu found on the All FBA Inventory & FBA Restock tabs
You can also use the checkboxes on the far left of the grids to select multiple SKUs at once. This will populate the action drop-down menu at the top, which has an option to 'Send to Amazon'. From there, you'll be able to proceed into the FBA Shipment Creation workflow.
Method 2 - Bulk Upload
The easiest method when creating a shipment for a large number of SKUs is using the bulk upload template.
From the Draft Shipments tab, select the 'Bulk Upload' button in the right corner, then choose the '1) Download Excel Template' option.
In columns B - H of the template, input or update the editable fields. Save your file once you've made changes.
Please ensure that you are not changing the layout of the template in any way, such as removing the top row, adding or removing columns, renaming columns, adding tabs, etc. Only update the cells that are indicated as editable.
Go back to the Draft Shipment tab, select the 'Bulk Upload' button, and then choose the '2) Upload Completed Template'. You will receive a message indicating if the upload was a success or if there are errors that need to be addressed.
The template contains all SKUs automatically. You can delete SKUs and/or all fields in the template so it only contains the SKUs specific to the shipment
In addition, the Amazon API has a limitation of 200 SKUs that can be submitted per shipment plan
Create a Shipment
Using either of the two methods above, you'll be taken into Step 1 of the Shipment Creation process. At this point, no actual shipments have been created in Seller Central yet. You'll need to update/confirm some information at the product level first:
Confirm or edit Ship From Address / Source
Indicate how you'll be providing box content using the toggle
We default to Feed, which means you'll be asked to enter in box contents in Step 2
If you select 2D Barcode, you will not be able to move past Step 2 in Kapoq's workflow, but it will create a shipment in Seller Central using the old workflow that can then be completed through Amazon's UI
Determine Packing Type: Case Pack or Individual
If you have Case Pack information entered into Kapoq, we will assume that is the way you are shipping and we will even out the Case Pack quantities in your shipment automatically so no additional math is needed. If you need to edit, you can in this step
Confirm the number of units you will be sending
You can use our recommended restock quantity or change it to however many units you'd like to send
If shipping case packs, we'll ask you how many case packs per item you'd like to ship, ensuring an equal number of units
Expiration Date: if products are in a category that does not require an expiration date, please disregard this field. Otherwise, it is a required input for creating the shipment.
API Prep Limitation: As of today, when creating shipments in Kapoq, Amazon only allows you to create shipments where you are prepping and labeling the product.
While we can submit a call through the API to receive information on required prep and the per unit cost, the API does not provide us with a confirmation message when indicating Amazon for prep nor does it apply to the shipment (meaning when units arrive at a fulfillment center, no prep is done by Amazon.)
Once all of the necessary information has been updated and confirmed, select the 'Continue' button. The information will be sent to Amazon, shipments will be created, and you’ll automatically be taken into step 2.
Note: If FNSKU labels are needed, you can download these in Seller Central, as the API does not currently provide these to us.
Prepare Shipment:
In Step 2, you'll see the shipment information Amazon has provided back to us. This includes shipment name, ID, ship-to address, and items within the shipment itself. If your shipping plan has been split into multiple shipments, you will see all of those here and can add information for each as needed.
We display the auto-generated shipment name that Amazon provides, but you can edit this if you have a naming convention you prefer. Simply click the notepad icon next the shipment name, make your changes, and then select the save icon.
You'll also be asked to select your shipping mode for each shipment. There are two options:
Small parcel delivery (SPD)
Works for Amazon partnered carrier or non-Amazon partnered carriers
Less than truckload (LTL)
Only functions for Amazon and partnered carriers today. Potential enhancement to come to support non-Amazon partnered carrier info
Amazon API does not contain endpoints for shipping LTL via non-Amazon Partnered Carriers; we cannot send the required information to them in order to complete a shipment.
Once your shipping mode(s) has been selected, the next step in this section is to provide box information.
Pack Boxes:
Use the 'Pack Boxes' button to open the box modal. You can use the 'Add a Box' button to input how many boxes will be needed for the shipment and define box dimensions as well. Box dimensions, weight, and number of units per SKU can be updated directly within the modal. If you have supplied case pack information to us, we will auto-fill your box information, both in the modal and on the bulk upload template.
The bulk upload template is a great way to provide information for a large number of SKUs and/or boxes. It functions for both case pack and individual shipments, including multi-SKU boxes. Validation exists with the bulk upload to confirm the correct total number of units per SKU has been accounted for. To use the template:
Select the 'Bulk Upload' button
Choose '1) Download Excel Template'
Fill in the information for each SKU and box. Box weight can also be entered for each.
Confirm that the correct units have been entered for each SKU; the Box Quantity column will be highlighted red for any that do not match the Expected quantity
Save the file and go back to the box modal
Select the 'Bulk Upload' button then choose '2) Upload Completed Template'
Choose your completed template and upload; you'll receive a success message and see your updates within the modal if filled out correctly
Be sure that the number of boxes is correct before selecting the 'Confirm Box Content' button in the modal, as it is sending the information directly to Amazon. Once submitted, Amazon does not allow the number of boxes to be changed. This is an API limitation.
Whether you choose to use the template or update from the modal, you'll need to select the 'Confirm Box Content' button once you are finished. There is validation added to ensure that all units boxed are accounted for, and that your box dimensions and weight meet Amazon's requirements.
If you are shipping SPD via Amazon's Partnered Carriers, you will also confirm the estimated shipping charges by using the 'Accept Charges' button. A timer will appear once you've accepted the charges so you know how long you have left to cancel in the 24-hour window.
Please note that we are unable to allow for box shipment label downloads in this step if you are using 2D Barcodes for your box content source. The API forces us to submit box content details via the feed in order to supply those labels.
Enter Pallet Info
Similar to the box modal, you'll input pallet information if shipping LTL; Kapoq will auto-fill the contact information based on the assigned Source
Once both box and pallet information has been submitted, you'll be asked to confirm the estimated shipping charges if you are using Amazon's Partnered Carriers. Select the 'Accept Charges' button to confirm; a timer will appear with a countdown to the cancellation window, which is 1 hour for LTL shipments. You will also be able to download your box labels from this step.
Review Cost Summary and Email/Download Packing List
Before moving onto Step 3, review the Cost Summary section at the bottom for your total costs for all shipments within the plan. This is also the step where you can download and/or email the packing list.
Select the 'Download' button below the Cost summary to populate the Excel packing list; all shipments from the shipping plan will be included, broken out by shipment ID on their own tabs.
You also have the option of emailing the packing directly, following the below steps:
Select the 'Email' button next to the 'Download' button
Enter in the email address you'd like to send the packing list to; you may send it to as many people as needed by simply separating email addresses by commas
Once you've added all recipients, select the blue paper airplane icon to save and send.
Kapoq will remember the email addresses you used for future shipments, and those can always be edited it needed. When using the email option, make sure to add your own email address to the message if sending to a client (brand) or warehouse. This way if they reply to Kapoq’s @noreply with questions, you’ll be included on the email.
If all looks good, select the 'Continue' button to move into Step 3. Otherwise, you can cancel the accepted charges if you need to make changes.
Label & Ship
Step 3 allows you to print your box and pallet labels, along with the Bill of Lading once it is available. You'll also see a quick summary of your shipment(s) on this screen.
It's also possible to void and cancel all shipments from this step if needed. Amazon requires that we delete all shipments within a plan, so unfortunately we cannot allow you to delete individual shipments from our platform.
You can mark your shipment as 'Completed' from this step. This works the same way as Amazon's workflow, so be sure that no changes need to be made before selecting this button!