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Creating custom metrics

Get more from KEY ESG by creating custom metrics that allow you to measure and track the topics that are important to your business

Written by Jessica Webb
Updated over 8 months ago

What is a custom metric?

The KEY ESG portal allows you to create unique data points that allows a company or fund manager to measure and track the topics that are important to their business.

How do I create custom metrics?

Follow these simple steps to create your own custom metric:

  1. Navigate to Custom metrics under setup

  2. Select add metric, and enter the details of your new custom metric, including the name and the description, and assign it to a category (Environment, Social, Governance, General).

  3. Add a short title to describe your custom metric. Then, add your questions. These are questions that your organisation will have to answer, as part of their data request. Make sure you add the question type, unit of measure, and quantity field, any additional explanation that might be helpful for your colleagues to answer this question, and choose how you'd like this data tyo be displayed in your report.

  4. Personalise your custom metric by switching under "Data entry options".

  5. Click "Save metric".

  6. Add your custom metric to your data collection page:

    1. For portfolio companies: Add your metric to your data request by navigating to the Homepage > Add metrics, and scroll down to your newly created Custom metric. This will be labelled as "Custom".

    2. For fund managers: Navigate to Data Requests > Edit an existing data request by seelcting "Edit" > Scroll down to your Custom metric > Save metric. Your custom metric will now be included in your Data request.

  7. The custom metric, and the data associated with it, will now be available in your Reports to view.

If you have any questions about adding Custom metrics, please do reach out to the KEY ESG support team via the in-app chat function, or by contacting

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