Keeping track of your earned commissions is essential for keeping a pulse on your performance and ensuring you're getting the most out of your referral efforts.
In this guide, we'll walk you through how to effortlessly keep track of your commission earnings using the following:
Main Dashboard
If you're participating in more than 1 program, you will have access to a main dashboard (top lefthand menu). This will give you a snapshot of your referral activity across all programs you're participating in.
In regards to your commissions statuses, this will display:
Total Earned
Total Paid
Total Unpaid
Including a breakdown
Total Unpaid Breakdown
In Review
'In Review' includes commissions in any of the following state:
Crowdfunding Programs
The crowdfunding campaign is still live
The crowdfunding campaign has ended, and needs to go through the payout process
eCommerce Programs
The referral for an eCommerce store is still in the program's referral review period
The referral for an eCommerce store passed the program's review period, and needs to go through the payout process
'Available' includes commissions where Kickbooster has successfully received payment from the program owner(s) and now awaiting for your payout to be issued and processed.
Note: You can expect the 'Available' amount to be included in the next payment date. Commission payments are paid out twice a month, on the 1st and 15th or following business day.
Next Payment
'Next Payment' includes your expected payout amount, along with the upcoming payment date that it will be paid.
Note: You can view your upcoming payout amount (if any) 10 days prior to our payment dates.
Program Level Dashboard
In addition to your main dashboard, you also have access to a program-specific dashboard that lets you keep a pulse on your efforts for individual programs.
Similar to your main dashboard, the program's analytics page will show your commission statuses for the program, along with your referral history.
To view your referral activity for a specific program:
Navigate to Programs
Click on the specific program name that you want to view
Go to > Analytics
Available Rewards
Once you've generated commissions, you can filter your Programs to show which ones you have available rewards for. To do so:
Navigate to Programs (lefthand side menu)
Click Add Filters
Under Reward Status, check off Available
Click away from dropdown to view list of applicable programs
Tracking your commissions is simple with your Kickbooster dashboard! Stay updated on your progress, view detailed reports, and monitor payouts in real-time—all in one place.
If you have any questions about your earnings or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team at