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What does the Quickbooks integration do?

First Time Connection to Xero, What does the Xero integration do? Things to Know, Invoice Sync Rules & Purchase Order Sync Rules.

Updated over a week ago

First Time Connection to Quickbooks

Klipboard will not sync with Quickbooks until a first-time connection is carried out. If you need further insight on how to connect your Klipboard account with Quickbooks please click here


  • When you are ready to start creating Invoices on Quickbooks, navigate to Settings > Accounting > Invoice start number and enter the start number. This number should be the number after your last invoice number on Quickbooks

  • Connection to Quickbooks lasts for a 60 minute period, after which it disconnects and you will have to reconnect to sync again.

  • Bulk Import Inventory: Once you have connected Quickbooks we strongly advise that you export your 'Products & Services' catalogue from your Quickbooks account. Once exported, format the file for import into Klipboard's inventory management section.

    Once Imported this will then allow you to select existing Products & Services when creating a Quote, Invoice or Purchase Order therefore ensuring a faster process. To learn more on how to import Products & Services into your Klipboard account click here

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What does the Quickbooks integration do?

The sync with Quickbooks eliminates double data entry by automatically sending all invoice information and client or supplier records to Quickbooks from Klipboard. The sync will also send back reconciled payments made/received in Quickbooks to Klipboard.

  • Connection to Quickbooks lasts for a 60 minute period, after which it disconnects and you will have to reconnect to sync again.

Below is how the sync enables seamless integration between Klipboard and Quickbooks for your workflow:

Things to Know For First Time Connection

At the first time connection between Klipboard and Quickbooks, all customers and suppliers will be synced from your Quickbooks account to Klipboard as the existing hierarchy set in Quickbooks.

  • Quickbooks Parent Customer = Klipboard Client

  • Quickbooks Sub Customer = Klipboard Client Location

  • Quickbooks Supplier = Klipboard Supplier

Clients & Suppliers Sync Rules After First Time Connection & Sync

Quickbooks Customers or Suppliers and Klipboard Clients, Client Locations or Suppliers Sync Rules after first sync:

Clients & Client Locations Sync Rules:

  • Clients from Klipboard sync to Quickbooks Parent Customer and is two way for edits

    Therefore always create your Client on Klipboard and it will sync to Quickbooks, do not create them on Quickbooks.

  • Client Sub Locations / Site Locations from Klipboard sync to Quickbooks Sub Customer of the Parent Customer and is two way for edits

    Therefore always create your Client Location on Klipboard and it will sync to Quickbooks, do not create them on Quickbooks.

    Suppliers Sync Rules:

  • Suppliers from Klipboard sync to Quickbooks Suppliers and is two way for edits

    Therefore always create your Supplier on Klipboard and it will sync to Quickbooks, do not create them on Quickbooks.

  • Quickbooks has a specific rule regarding Clients (Customers) or Suppliers that are created. All clients (customers) or suppliers created and synced to Quickbooks must have a unique name. This applies also to all Clients, Client Sub Locations and Suppliers you create on Klipboard to ensure that they sync to Quickbooks.

  • A Client can not also be a Supplier and vice versa.

  • A Client can not have the same name as Supplier and vice versa

    Klipboard Clients & Client Locations > Quickbooks Parent Customer & Sub Customer, The Hierarchy Sync Rules:

  • At the first time connection between Klipboard and Quickbooks, all customers and suppliers will be synced from your Quickbooks account to Klipboard as the existing hierarchy (parent customer and sub customer) set in Quickbooks.

  • However going forward if you change this hierarchy in Quickbooks (ie. change a parent customer to a sub customer or vice versa) it will not be reflected in Klipboard. Any edits or invoices will still sync from Klipboard to the parent or sub customer though.

Invoice Sync Rules

  • Invoices are sent to Quickbooks automatically when connected to Quickbooks and when created on the invoicing page on Klipboard.

  • Once sent to Quickbooks, any changes made to the invoice in Klipboard will sync to Quickbooks and update accordingly.

  • Invoices that were created on Klipboard but are edited in Quickbooks, the edits are synced to Klipboard. You need to do a manual sync process for those edits to appear. Please read the following article here explaining how to do this.

  • Invoices created in Quickbooks are not sent to Klipboard, therefore always create your invoice on Klipboard.

  • Invoices can only be marked as paid on Quickbooks. Once payments are reconciled/recorded in Quickbooks for an invoice, then Klipboard will be updated (does not automatically sync) and will display that invoice as Paid. To update Klipboard for invoices reconciled and marked as Paid on Quickbooks, you need to do a manual sync process. Please read the following article here explaining how to do this.

  • Draft status invoices on Klipboard will sync to Quickbooks as a "Due Today" status as Quickbooks defaults the "Due Date" to the date the invoice is created on Klipboard.

  • Once an invoice is updated from Draft status to Sent status (Awaiting Payment) on Klipboard, the automated sync to Quickbooks will update the Invoice Date and Due Date to what is set on Klipboard for the respective invoice.

  • All Sent (Awaiting Payment status) invoices from Klipboard sync to Quickbooks as Sent status

  • All Overdue invoices on Klipboard are marked on Quickbooks as Overdue.

  • Klipboard does not sync file attachments to/from Quickbooks.

  • We sync invoice product and service line items to Quickbooks as 'Non Stock' items if there is no existing Stock product and service item on your Quickbooks account.

  • We sync invoice product and service line item 'Account Codes' to Quickbooks as per your selection on Klipboard if there is no existing Stock product and service item on your Quickbooks account. If there is an existing Stock product and service item on your Quickbooks account, then the 'Account Code' applied to the line item will be the one set against your Stock item on Quickbooks.

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Access further help articles on how to use the functionality of the Quickbooks Integration

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