Note: This article references IB DP exam-style questions. For IGCSE, these are called test practice questions.
Kognity's exam-style questions (Test practice questions for IGCSE) are written by examiners and expert teachers to mimic the questions students will have in their exams. These questions also include a mark scheme, an example answer, and advice for students.
Students do not have access to exam-style questions in their practice centre until after teachers have sent the questions to them as an assignment.
Why? We want you to have the opportunity to send questions that students have never seen before to further assist with exam preparation and summative assessment.
You also have the option to lock mark schemes during Exam-Style Question (ESQ) assignments (Test practice questions for IGCSE). This means that when you send an ESQ assignment (Test practice questions for IGCSE) to your students, you can send just the questions, without the answers and mark scheme.
Here's how:
1. Create an ESQ assignment
Create your ESQ assignment (Test practice questions for IGCSE), then select your questions to send, then move on to "Step 2".
2. Choose your mark scheme control settings
Under "Mark scheme control" you can decide if you want the students to have access to the mark scheme and example answer during the assignment. You can also choose to keep the mark scheme hidden until you manually unlock it, or automatically unlock it after the deadline passes.
3. Send or schedule your assignment!
Your students will get an email about the assignment, and they will also get an email when the mark scheme is unlocked. In the meantime, they will have questions locked in their practice center like this:
βAny other questions? Message our support team by clicking on the chat bubble on the bottom right corner of your screen in the Kognity platform.