We offer a four-course Integrated Science Model covering Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth and Space Science for the high school classroom.
Our standards-based interactive materials, such as simulations, videos, and 3D models, are centered around anchoring phenomena, promoting student inquiry, and connecting science to the real world.
NGSS The Living Earth: Integrating Biology and Earth Science
This digital resource includes 6 units. Each unit begins with an anchoring phenomenon that is then investigated in a number of modules (investigative phenomena) that provide opportunities for students to observe, collaborate and explore.
Units include:
Ecosystem interactions and energy: Powering a predator
History of the Earth’s atmosphere – Photosynthesis and respiration: Even plants have limitations
Evidence of common ancestry and diversity: From the mammoth to the elephant
Inheritance of traits: It’s in your genes
Structure, function, and growth (from cells to organisms): Cells, the building blocks of life and health
Ecosystem stability and the response to climate change: Taking Earth’s temperature
NGSS Chemistry in the Earth System: Integrating Chemistry and Earth and Space Science
This digital resource includes 6 units, which cover:
Combustion: our forests are burning
Heat and energy in the Earth system: The scientific energy of crystals
Atoms, element,s and molecules: So many minerals, so few elements
Chemical reactions: The power of a battery
Chemistry of climate change: A few degrees do matter
The dynamics of chemical reactions and ocean acidification: The impact on coral reefs
The first module of each unit introduces an anchoring phenomenon, which is then further explored in the subsequent modules through a combination of observation, exploration, and collaboration.
NGSS Physics of the Universe: Integrating Physics and Earth and Space Science
This digital resource includes 6 units. Each unit features an anchoring phenomenon that you and your students explore in a number of modules containing both digital and hands-on activities.
Units include:
Forces and motion: The science of going to space
Forces at a distance: Celestial motion (including satellites)
Energy conversion and renewable energy: Energy mining to power your life
Nuclear processes and Earth history: Apollo missions, humankind’s first step to living in space
Waves and electromagnetic radiation: Waves carrying information
Stars and the origins of the universe: Visualizing the universe and predicting its future
NGSS Earth & Space Science
This digital resource includes 6 units. Each unit features an anchoring phenomenon that you and your students explore in a number of modules containing both digital and hands-on activities.
Units include:
Earth's history
Resource Management
Feedback systems and coevolution on Earth
Earth's climate
Impacts on Earth systems
Kindly find the Earth and Space Science Standards Mapping for each subject on this link.
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