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Kognity for High School Science
All you need to know to get up and running with your account & to learn about Kognity's main features!
Video Library: Get started with Kognity
Google Classroom error: ‘Assignment name’ failed to post in Google Classroom
Using Insights to inform your teaching: The Textbook tab
What do I need to use Kognity?
Using Insights to inform your teaching: The questions tab
Add students to my class
How can I ensure my classes are set up correctly and make changes to them?
How can I give feedback as a teacher?
How can I copy and resend assignments?
Who writes the content for the Kognity for High School Science platform?
How can I print content? - Only available to teachers
Where are the Next Generation Standards alignments in the platform?
What subjects are available for High School Science?
What type of questions does the platform contain?
Where can I find the teacher guides and instructions?
What types of assessment can I give my students?
How is the content organized?
Performance Tasks
Hide and show content for your students
Driving Question Boards
The Highlights and Notes feature
Using Reflections to gauge student understanding and engagement
Using Insights to inform your teaching: The 'Last activity' tab
Unlock the power of Filters for content discovery
Creating a class
How can I change my password?
How can I translate Kognity into another language?
Can I edit an assignment after sending it?
How do I create a question assignment?
How do I create a book assignment?
Creating your own questions
Can I delete an assignment once I have sent it?
Do students receive the answers to the assignment questions?
What happens when the assignment deadline passes?
The question assignment results page
How can I share assignments with colleagues?
How do I schedule an assignment?