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Hide and show content for your students
Karla Cetina avatar
Written by Karla Cetina
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Hide/show feature empowers teachers with the ability to customize the content accessible to their students, allowing them to control which units, modules, lessons and content options students can see in their interactive textbooks.

Teacher View:

Student View:

This feature provides teachers with a range of benefits, including:

  • Preventing students from jumping ahead: Teachers can effectively prevent students from rushing ahead, ensuring that they stay on track. For example, performance tasks are hidden by default to prevent students from seeing those assessments while learning.

  • Enhancing cognitive load management: Teachers can also exercise control over the sequence in which content is presented to students. This strategic approach helps in managing students' cognitive load, ensuring they grasp concepts in a logical and progressive manner.

  • Tailoring subject matter: Teachers can tailor the subject material to suit their instructional objectives. Unwanted or supplementary content can be effortlessly removed, providing a more streamlined and focused learning experience.

The Hide/Show feature grants teachers comprehensive control over Kognity and the overall student learning experience. Any piece of content you hide will correlate to all related content across the platform, including assignments. Note that if you want to assign a hidden lesson to students to complete, you must first "show" the content with the hide/show content feature before you can assign the lesson to your students. 

To use this feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on your class.

  2. Once you are on the Overview tab, locate and click on the 'Hide/show content' button.

  3. An eye icon will be activated; click on the eye icon next to the specific unit, module, lesson or content option you wish to hide or show. 

  4. Finally, confirm your visibility changes by clicking on the 'Done' button.

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