How do I create a question assignment?

Creating question assignments

Courtney Librizzi avatar
Written by Courtney Librizzi
Updated this week

Sending question assignments is a great way to find out about students' strengths and weaknesses. You can either send an assignment right away or create and save it for sending later.

Step 1: Click on the relevant subject, click the 'Create Assignment' button on the teacher dashboard and click "Question assignment".

Step 2: 

Select questions from the question bank or create your own question. You can preview questions by clicking directly on them. This allows you to easily see:

a) If you have already sent a question.

b) Which sections the questions relate to.

c) If it's a multiple-choice question or a short-answer question.

Click on 'Step 2' to Customise the assignment.

Step 4: Set the assignment name, select the recipients (all students are selected by default), arrange the questions in the order of your preference, add any additional message, set a deadline, check or uncheck the submission settings and hit the 'Review and Send' button.

Step 5 (Finish later or Schedule): If you do not want to send the assignment right away, but save it for later or you can schedule the assignment to be sent later for you. Simply click on the 'Finish later' button or the 'Review and schedule' button. 

What happens when I have sent the assignment?

  • All recipients will receive an email notifying them that they have an assignment to complete. The assignment will also appear in the assignment dashboard when they log in.

  • When the deadline has passed, the assignment will be automatically marked and a report with a link to the assignment results will be sent to you via email.

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