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Macro Editor - Operations
Updated over 9 months ago

Here you can check all the operations available for the Macro editor feature.

Math operations

Math operations allow you to modify your price or stock attribute values.


Convert to text

It allows you to modify the format from number to string.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '99.95' (A format is a number)

Define the following operations:

  • convert to text

As a result, you get the following:

  • '99.95' (A format is a string)


Multiply by

It allows you to multiply an attribute value with a number.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '99.95'

Define the following operations:

  • multiply by

  • number 10

As a result, you get the following:

  • '999.5'


Divide by

It allows you to divide an attribute value with a number.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '99.95'

Define the following operations:

  • divide by

  • number 10

As a result, you get the following:

  • '9.995'



It allows you to add a number to an attribute value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '99.95'

Define the following operations:

  • plus

  • number 23

As a result, you get the following:

  • '122.95'



It allows you to substruct a number from an attribute value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '99.95'

Define the following operations:

  • minus

  • number 50

As a result, you get the following:

  • '49.95'


Format number

It allows you to format an attribute value to a specific decimal precision. You can select a separator and a thousand separator. The format number operation result is in a text format.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '6300.953'

Define the following operations:

  • format number

  • decimals - '2'

  • decimal separator - '.'

  • thousand separator - ','

As a result, you get the following:

  • '6,300.95'


Round number

It allows you to round an attribute value to a specific decimal precision. The round number operation result is in a number format.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '6300.953'

Define the following operations:

  • round number

  • precision - '2'

As a result, you get the following:

  • '6300.95'


Round price

It allows you to round an attribute value to a specific value. You can use the 'calculate' parameter to round to:

  • closest

  • down

  • up

You can round to values:

  • .01

  • .10

  • .25

  • .50

  • .75

  • .99

  • whole number

The round number operation result is in a number format.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '6300.953'

Define the following operations:

  • round price

  • calculate - 'closest'

  • to - '.10'

As a result, you get the following:

  • '6301.10'


Percent %

It allows you to modify an attribute value depending on the percentage. You can use the 'calculate' parameter to:

  • increase by - e.g., increase price by a specific percentage

  • decrease by - e.g., decrease price by a specific percentage

  • calculate - - e.g., calculate a specific percentage from the price


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '100.00'

Define the following operations:

  • percent %

  • calculate - 'increase by'

  • percent % - '10'

As a result, you get the following:

  • '110.00'


Convert to currency

It allows you to convert an attribute to a specific currency. Koongo updates the currency exchange rate twice a day from the currency exchange server.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Price final include tax - attribute value '100.00'. The store currency is EUR.

Define the following operations:

  • convert to currency

  • to - 'USD'

As a result, you get the following:

  • '107.81'


Math attribute operations

Math attribute operations allow you to apply math operations between 2 attributes.


Multiply by

It allows you to multiply two attribute values.


Divide by

It allows you to divide one attribute value by another attribute value.



It allows you to add two attribute values.



It allows you to subtract one attribute value from another attribute value.


Text operations


Convert to number

It allows you to modify the format from string to number.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Cost per item - attribute value '115', the export format is a string

Define the following operations:

  • convert to number

As a result, you get the following:

  • '115', the export format is a number


Count text length

It gives you the length of the attribute value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'There's a shell toe for every season, and the adidas Originals Superstar 80s'

Define the following operations:

  • count text length

As a result, you get the following:

  • '76' - the length of the attribute value


Extract text

It allows you to extract text from a certain index and of a certain length.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'There's a shell toe for every season, and the adidas Originals Superstar 80s'

Define the following operations:

  • extract text

  • start '0' - start parameter takes a character index, 1. character has an index 0

  • length '100' - first 100 characters are exported

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'There's a shell toe for every season, and the adidas Originals Superstar 80s shoes have a full grain'


Extract text after/before

It allows you to extract text between two specific words.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

Define the following operations:

  • remove all HTML characters - removes HTML characters from the Description value

  • extract text after/before

  • prefix - 'Mini' - removes everything before and including this text

  • suffix - 'Cap' - removes everything after and including this text

  • trim whitespace on start and end - removes whitespace from the result

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Ottoman'


Append suffix

It allows you to append a specific text to an attribute value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

Define the following operations:

  • append suffix - ' - NEW'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap - NEW'


Append prefix

It allows you to append a specific text before an attribute value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

Define the following operations:

  • append prefix - 'NEW - '

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'NEW - Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'


Create collection with attribute

It allows you to combine two attribute values.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

  • Title - attribute value 'Flexfit Red'

Define the following operations:

  • create collection with attribute

  • combine with - Title

  • convert collection into text

  • join with - ' - '

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap - Flexfit Red'


Replace in value

It allows you to replace a specific text with different text. If you fill in the 'search for text' and leave 'replace with' empty, the text will be removed.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Description - attribute value 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap old'

Define the following operations:

  • replace in value

  • search for text - 'old'

  • replace with - 'new'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap new'


Map attribute value

It allows you to map your store values to marketplace values if the marketplace approved values are available for the specific marketplace attribute.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Product type - list of store product type values

Define the following operations:

  • select 'Product type' attribute

  • map attribute value

  • click 'All Unmapped'

  • select the appropriate marketplace value from the approved value list

As a result, you get the following:

  • your store attribute values are replaced by the marketplace approved values

product type mapping

Color Mapping Example:

color mapping

Split text to collection

It allows you to split an attribute text value into a collection based on a specific separator. You need to apply additional operations to work with this collection.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Tags - attribute value 'adidas, autumn, egnition-sample-data, men, spring, summer'

Define the following operations:

  • split text to collection

  • split on - ','

  • take first element as string

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'summer'


Text operations

It allows you to apply additional operations like :


trim whitespace on start and end

Removes whitespace on start and end of the text value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value ' Flexfit mini ottoman cap '

Define the following operations:

  • trim whitespace on start and end

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit mini ottoman cap'

upper case only first character

Changes the first character to uppercase.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'flexfit mini ottoman cap'

Define the following operations:

  • upper case only first character

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit mini ottoman cap'

upper case first character of each word

Changes all first characters at each word to uppercase.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'flexfit mini ottoman cap'

Define the following operations:

  • upper case first character of each word

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

upper case all characters

Changes all characters to uppercase.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'flexfit mini ottoman cap'

Define the following operations:

  • upper case all characters

As a result, you get the following:


lower case all characters

Changes all characters to uppercase.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

Define the following operations:

  • lower case all characters

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'flexfit mini ottoman cap'

remove all non-numeric characters

Removes all non-numeric characters.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'ADIDAS | SUPERSTAR 80S live3'

Define the following operations:

  • remove all non-numeric characters

As a result, you get the following:

  • '803'

remove all HTML characters

Removes all HTML characters from the text.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value '<p>Flexfit <strong>Mini Ottoman</strong> Cap</p>'

Define the following operations:

  • remove all HTML characters

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit Mini Ottoman Cap'

remove all numeric characters

Removes all numeric characters.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'ADIDAS | SUPERSTAR 80S live3'

Define the following operations:

  • remove all numeric characters

As a result, you get the following:


remove all whitespaces

Removes all whitespaces.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'ADIDAS | SUPERSTAR 80S live3'

Define the following operations:

  • remove all whitespace

As a result, you get the following:


remove all linebreaks

Removes all linebreaks.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value 'ADIDAS | SUPERSTAR 80S live3\n'

Define the following operations:

  • remove all linebreaks

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'ADIDAS | SUPERSTAR 80S live3'

remove special characters

Removes special characters from the attribute value.


Use attribute as input to the macro:

  • Title - attribute value ' Flexfit mini ottoman cap~'

Define the following operations:

  • remove special characters

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'Flexfit mini ottoman cap'


A collection in Macro Editor is a group of values stored in a list, where every value has its index (0,1,2,3 etc.) These product data can be of any type, such as numbers or strings. Collections are used to efficiently manage product data and perform operations on them, such as searching, sorting, slicing, and filtering.

Examples of using collections might be:

There are several different size attributes - e.g., Size, Size_shirts, Size_shoes, etc. First, you group the attribute into a collection. A collection for a specific item can look like [ '', '36', ''], where '' means empty. Then, you can use any collection operations below - e.g., 'First not empty item'.

As a result, the '36' value is exported to the feed attribute for a specific item.

The Collection operations allow you to work with multiple attributes or a group of values.



The 'sort' operation allows you to sort a collection alphabetically that arises from text operations or by merging several attributes into a collection.


Use multiple attributes as input to the macro:

  • 'Category name' - attribute value 'Shoes'

  • 'Title' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

Define the following operations:

  • 'sort(ascending)'

  • 'take first element as string'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'ADIDAS'


Slice collection items

The 'slice collection items' operation allows you to select specific elements from a collection. If the length is not filled, Koongo selects all elements to the end. Take From is indexed from 0, so the first element in the field has a position of 0.


Use multiple attributes as input to the macro:

  • 'Category name' - attribute value 'Shoes'

  • 'Title' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Category id' - attribute value '1234'

Define the following operations:

  • 'slice collection items'

  • take from - '1' (You need to select an index from where the slice should start. The first position has index 1.)

  • length - '2'

  • 'take first item as text'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'ADIDAS'


Take first item as text

The 'take first item as text' operation allows you to select the first element from a collection. The element is transferred to the 'string' format automatically. If you need a 'number' format, please use the 'cast as number' operation.


Use Tags attribute as input to the macro:

  • 'Tags' - attribute value 'adidas, backpack, egnition-sample-data'

Define the following operations:

  • 'split text to collection'

  • split on - ','

  • 'Take first item as text'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'adidas'


Take last item as text

The 'take last item as text' operation allows you to select just the last element from a collection. The element is transferred to the 'string' format automatically. If you need a 'number' format, please use the 'cast as number' operation.


Use Tags attribute as input to the macro:

  • 'Tags' - attribute value 'adidas, backpack, egnition-sample-data'

Define the following operations:

  • 'split text to collection'

  • split on - ','

  • 'take last item as text'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'egnition-sample-data'


Remove empty elements

The 'remove empty elements' allows you to delete empty values from a collection.


Use multiple attributes as input to the macro:

  • 'Category name' - empty value

  • 'Title' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Category id' - attribute value '1234'

Define the following operations:

  • 'remove empty elements'

  • 'take first element as string'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'ADIDAS'


Convert collection into text

The 'Convert collection into text' allows you to create a text from a collection separated by a selected separator. The separator can be a space.


Use Tags attribute as input to the macro:

  • 'Tags' - attribute value 'adidas, backpack, egnition-sample-data'

Define the following operations:

  • 'split text to collection'

  • split on - ','

  • 'convert collection into text '

  • join with - '-'

As a result, you get the following:

  • 'adidas/backpack/egnition-sample-data'


Unique collection

The 'unique collection' operation allows you to remove duplicate items from the collection. As a result, unique items will remain in the collection.


Use multiple attributes as input to the macro:

  • 'Category name' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Title' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Category id' - attribute value '1234'

Define the following operations:

  • 'unique collection'

  • 'serialize collection to text'

As a result, you get the following:

  • ['ADIDAS','1234']


Serialize collection to text

The 'serialize collection to text' operation allows you to serialize the collection into a JSON format. You can use it for a simple serialization.


Use multiple attributes as input to the macro:

  • 'Category name' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Title' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Category id' - attribute value '1234'

Define the following operations:

  • 'serialize collection to text'

As a result, you get the following:

  • ['ADIDAS','ADIDAS','1234']


First non-empty item

The 'first non-empty item' operation allows you to select the first non-empty value. You can use it, for example, to search through several attributes - Return the first non-empty value.


Use multiple attributes as input to the macro:

  • 'Category name' - empty value

  • 'Title' - attribute value 'ADIDAS'

  • 'Category id' - attribute value '1234'

Define the following operations:

  • 'first non-empty item'

As a result, you get the following:


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