No - a referee cannot be a family member, partner or current Koru Kids nanny or applicant. If we receive any potentially false or invalid references this will lead to your application being rejected.
However, we do understand that some candidates have lots of experience caring for family.
In this situation, a good option is to put down one reference from a work or educational setting that hasn’t to do with children, and then a family friend who has seen you around children. It doesn't matter if you haven't looked after their children, as long as they have seen you around your children, siblings or cousins.
What counts as a family member or partner?
Family members include parents, grandparents, siblings, your own children, aunts, uncles, cousins, step-parents, half-siblings, step-siblings, in-laws, your cousin's husband etc. Anyone who could be considered immediate or extended family!
Partners include husbands, wives, fiancées, boyfriends, girlfriends etc.
Koru Kids nannies or applicants include anyone currently working as a Koru Kids nanny or who is in the process of applying.