There are a few ways to add leads to the Smart CRM.
Manually Add Your Leads
Quickly add a new lead manually to your CRM via Quick Actions or in the Smart CRM. Follow the steps HERE.
Bulk Import Your Leads
There are 2 methods of bulk-adding contacts into the btPRO Smart CRM:
Let Us Handle It
Save time and avoid incorrectly uploading your contacts, by having the Lead Configuration Support Team do it for you!
Do It Yourself
Follow detailed steps and map your own data values to contact fields in btPRO.
Automatically Add Leads from 3rd Party Sources
Depending on which 3rd party lead source you're using, there are different methods to automatically push leads into btPRO.
Sync Contacts from Gmail or Outlook
Syncing contacts from your email account can be a game-changer! It gives you the opportunity to not only sync your contacts, but also your calendar, tasks, and emails. It's an easy process that can quickly positively impact your btPRO experience.
Have questions? Please reach out to PRO Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!