After opening the details page of a listing in btPRO you'll find two buttons for similar and nearby listings.
Similar listings will meet the following criteria:
Within 10 miles of the listing.
Same State as the listing.
Between 75% and 125% of the value of the listing.
Similar visual style.
Built within the same time frame. The timeframes are: Before 1950, 1950-1970, 1970-1990, and After 1990.
Those properties listed on the 'Nearby Listings' tab can be sorted by distance up to 3 miles away:
On both tabs, you have the same strategies for sending those properties out in a list, by text or email to an individual, or send in a mass email or text.
How to Send Nearby or Similar Listings to an Individual
Select the properties you want to include using the checkbox to the left of the address. Then select either "Email Listings" or "Text Listings" from the top navigation.
How to Send Nearby or Similar Listings to a Group
Select the properties you want to include using the checkbox to the left of the address. Then select "More Action" from the top navigation and choose "Email to Hashtag" or "Text to Hashtag". From here you will be able to select a group with the same hashtag to send the listings to.
Have questions? Please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!