The geographical areas search option actively enhances your btPRO website with the ability to pull information based on the listings' geolocation as added by the listing agent instead of MLS areas.
The tool narrows down the search results by using each listings' latitude and longitude to provide a more exact picture of the listings available for the area being searched.
For more information on geographical areas, click here.
Please Note: Depending on the MLS you have associated with your btPRO account, you may need to enable 'Coverage Only' in your website settings list and enable all MLS areas.
To learn more about 'Coverage Only', click here.
To learn more about MLS areas, click here.
Using the Polygon Boundary Search
There are a few different places within your btPRO account that you will see the option to use geographical areas over MLS area:
The geographical area option in your Web & IDX website settings list will look a bit differently when compared to the other toggles - it may be referred to "polygons" or "geographical areas".
You can access the Web & IDX setting by hovering over the Web & IDX tab. Then, select 'Website Settings'. Scroll down to 'Use Polygons for Neighborhoods and Schools'.
Understand that if the polygon areas option is turned on this will affect the searches on your site. This means that your site will only allow for searches with 1 area at a time, so this will NOT allow for multiple areas to be searched for on your site at the same time.
If you want geographical areas to automatically apply to all website search results, search alert results, and squeeze page listings you can simply toggle the setting on for the Web & IDX setting. This overarching setting will affect all website-related searches, including any that you perform within the Listings tab.
Please Note: In order to use the geographical search setting, you must also change your Default Display for listing results view to 'Map', otherwise this setting will not work properly.
If you would rather retain the ability to pick and choose when geographical areas are used to narrow down search results, click 'No' for the Web & IDX setting and toggle the setting on for individual search alerts, squeeze pages, or listing results.
TIP: You can easily tell if you have geographical areas enabled on your website by looking at your website's search results. If you have geographical areas enabled, the map will display a boundary that is automatically applied to the map of search results. This indicates that btPRO is using the latitude and longitude of the area being searched to narrow the results down to only listings within that geographical area.
Geographical Areas: btPRO Mobile App
If you have the Web & IDX setting enabled in your btPRO account, all search alerts that you set up within the app and any listing searches you perform under the Listings tab in the app will automatically narrow the results down to listings that match the latitude and longitude of the area searched.
If you do not have the setting enabled, but would like to toggle on the geographical areas option for individual searches you can easily do so within the btPRO mobile app.
Contacts' Search Alerts
1. Log into the btPRO mobile app.
2. Tap on 'Contacts' at the bottom.
3. Tap on the desired contact's name.
4. Tap into the 'Profile' at the top.
5. Across from 'Search Alerts' tap the 'Add' or 'Edit' button, whichever appears for that contact.
6. Tap the 'Edit' link in the top right corner.
7. Tap on the grey toggle next to 'Use geographical areas rather than MLS areas'.
8. Tap on the blue "+ Add Area" button that appears.
9. Type in the area and select it from the drop-down that appears.
10. Click the grey "Update Alert" button once you are done choosing any other search criteria from the available options.
Listings Filter
You also have access to the geographical areas search tool when filtering for listings using your mobile app.
1. Log into the btPRO mobile app.
2. Tap on 'Listings' at the bottom.
3. Tap 'Filter' on the top right.
4. Tap on the grey toggle to enable the 'Use geographical areas rather than MLS areas' option.
5. Tap on the blue "+ Add Area" button.
6. Type in the area and select it from the drop-down that appears.
7. Click the grey "Update Results" button once you are done choosing any other search criteria from the available options.
Geographical Areas Search FAQ
What is the geographical areas website setting?
The geographical areas website setting enhances your btPRO website and helps provide more accurate listing results in search alerts and squeeze pages.
Does this work for Canadian users of btPRO?
Yes! The geographical areas search option will work for Canadian locations if enabled in your Web & IDX settings.
Is this tool available for use in my btPRO mobile app?
Yes! To learn more about using geographical areas in the app, click here.
Will this option appear on my btPRO WordPress website?
Yes! It is a part of the btPRO website functionality that is used with a WordPress site.
Where is Inside Real Estate pulling the data from?
Inside Real Estate uses a proprietary 3rd party vendor for the geographical areas search tool that aggregates the latitude/longitude data as entered into the MLS by the listing agent.
Is this tool available for Market Reports?
No. This is on its way, however, so stay tuned!
Can I search for multiple areas at once?
Yes, but only if you use the polygon search tool and up to 2 separate search areas. You can use this in both the app and on the btPRO Website, as well as for search alerts, the Listing Tab, and squeeze pages.
This does not allow for multiple areas to be searched by using the search filter on the website.
Please Note: This feature is only available on btPRO templated sites (WordPress sites do not support this).
What if a geographical areas search includes a listing that is outside of the boundary?
If you believe that the geographical areas tool is returning incorrect listings please let the Support team know by using the blue chat bubble on the bottom right of your btPRO Dashboard.
What if a geographical areas search does not include a listing I was expecting?
If you believe that the geographical areas tool is not returning all listings please let the Support team know by using the blue chat bubble on the bottom right of your btPRO Dashboard.
Does this work in rural areas where other platforms may not?
Yes! We've optimized it for all of the location types where you may need to use it.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to Customer Support via the blue chat bubble to the right or by emailing!