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How to manage school-based users in the Portal
How to manage school-based users in the Portal
Kelly Jones avatar
Written by Kelly Jones
Updated over a week ago

Greetings! 👋

This article will explain the ins and outs of how school principals and delegated administrators can grant and manage Portal access for school staff.

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Managing school-based accounts

By default, all principals are able to log in to the Portal. From there, a principal can manage access for the staff who work in their school, and delegate admin privileges to other staff members.

How to grant access to an existing staff member

Any staff member on the school’s pedagogue file will automatically appear in the User Management section of the Portal. From there a principal can modify access levels individually or in bulk.

  1. Navigate to the User Management page by clicking on Settings in the Left-side Navigation. Then select User Management.

  2. Notice that accounts have already been created for each staff member on your school's pedagogue file. By default these accounts are created with No Access permissions, until you choose to modify.

  3. To modify permissions for a single user:

    1. Click the Three Dot Menu next to the user's row

    2. Select Edit Details to open the Edit User Modal

    3. Set the appropriate permissions for the user in the Access Level Dropdown

    4. Click Edit to apply the changes

  4. To modify permissions for multiple users in bulk:

    1. Select Batch Actions from the Right-side Toolbar

    2. Using the checkboxes that appear to the left of each row, select the users whose permissions you wish to modify

    3. Back in the Right-side Toolbar select the appropriate permissions

    4. Click Confirm to apply the changes

To learn more about the permissions associated with each access level see this article.

How to delegate admin privileges to another staff member

To delegate admin privileges to another staff member within your school, follow the steps above to assign the Delegated School Admin access level. Users with this access level are able to use the User Management page within Settings to create accounts and modify permissions.

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