Users added to the account vary in terms of their access to the web app, mobile app, or both. This depends on how they were created and invited.
They can be created on the account and then be invited later to the mobile app or they can be created and invited at the same time.
Multiple users can also be invited in bulk as well through the web app.
The invitations are intended for creating a user or multiple users for mobile app access or mobile and web app access at the same time.
Invitation types
There are two types of invitations: 'Individual' and 'Universal'.
Individual Invitation
Ideal to give each of your attendees their own mobile app Authentication code. This option allows you to identify the individual who has captured the lead and should be your default option. Send Individual invitations through Email, SMS, or both.
Universal Invitation
Ideal to send an authorization code for multiple users to use. This option will not let you identify the individuals capturing leads. This option is best for people who don't normally work with you, like vendors, temp workers, or third parties assisting you at your event.
Below are the different methods of creating and or inviting a user to the mobile app and the web app.
1) Creating a User from the Account's Setup and then Inviting them to the Mobile App
1.1) Creating a User
Navigate to Setup > Users > All Users
Click on the 'New' button.
Enter their personal information.
Turn on the 'Activate and Send Email' toggle to give them access to the web app. If you only intend to give them access to the mobile app, turn off the toggle.
Note: If the 'Activate and Send Email' toggle was turned on while creating the user, the user should receive an email with a web app login URL, username, and a link to set the password for the web app.
Click 'Save'.
The user is now created and considered an 'Existing' user of the account.
1.2) Inviting a User to the Mobile App
From 'Home', navigate to Events > Capture > Invitations
Click on 'New'.
Choose 'Existing' as the 'User Type'.
Choose the intended user.
Choose the Invitation Method. Whether they should receive their credentials via an email, an SMS, or both.
Choose the groups or events you would like to assign the user access to from the mobile app.
Click on 'Invite'.
The user will then receive an email with their credentials to access the mobile app.
Note: If no groups or events are chosen from 'Groups' while inviting the user, there will be no events displayed on their mobile app.
To assign the user access to an event from the Invitations tab, click on the 'Edit' icon next to the user, choose the group or event, and then click on 'Update'.
Once the user refreshes the app, the event will be displayed as follows:
2) Creating and Inviting a User from the Event Designer
This is the most direct way to create a user as you give them access to the event while inviting them to the mobile app or both the mobile app and the web app.
To do so, follow the steps below:
Click on the '+' icon next to 'User Access' from the 'Properties tab.'
Choose the 'User Type' as 'New' if the intended staff has never been added to the account before, enter their information.
Choose the Invitation Method. Whether they should receive their credentials via an email, an SMS, or both.
Add a description or an internal note regarding the user's invitation. It will be displayed below the 'Description' column of the Invitations tab.
Turn on the 'Allow Web App Access' to give the user access to the web app and choose a security profile to be assigned to the user. (Optional).
Note: When the 'Allow Web App Access' toggle is turned off. The users will only gain access to the mobile app. They will be auto-assigned to the 'Sales' security profile.
Note: The user will have different access permissions to the web app depending on their security profile.
Choose the 'User Type' as 'Universal' to allow multiple staff members to use the same credentials.
Enter a generic name and email for example 'Sales Team' and ''.
Choose the Invitation Method. Whether they should receive their credentials via an email, an SMS, or both.
Enter each email of the staff members in a separate line below the 'Invitation Method' and an email will be sent out with the credentials to each of them.
Add a description or an internal note regarding the user's invitation. It will be displayed below the 'Description' column of the Invitations tab.
Click on 'Invite'.
The user will then receive an email with their credentials to access the mobile app as shown:
The user will automatically have access to the event on the mobile app as shown:
If the 'Allow Web App Access' toggle was turned on while the invite was being sent, the user should receive another email with a web app login URL, username, and a link to set the password for the web app.
3) Inviting an existing User from the Event Designer
If the user exists on the account, choose the user by clicking on the blank space next to 'User Access' and enter their name or email.
The user will then receive an email with their credentials to access the mobile app as shown:
4) Creating and Inviting a User from the Form Access
Navigate to Events > Capture.
Click on the dropdown next to the intended event.
Click on 'Access'.
click on the '+' icon next to Users
Choose the 'User Type'.
Fill in the user's information.
Choose the Invitation Method. Whether they should receive their credentials via an email, an SMS, or both.
Add a description or an internal note regarding the user's invitation. It will be displayed below the 'Description' column of the Invitations tab.
Turn on the 'Allow Web App Access' to give the user access to the web app and choose a security profile to be assigned to the user. (Optional).
Click 'Save'.
5) Inviting an Existing User from the Form Access
Navigate to Events > Capture.
Click on the dropdown next to the intended event.
Click on 'Access'.
Enter the name or email of the intended user.
Click 'Save'.
6) Inviting a User from the Invitations Tab
To invite the user to the mobile app:
Navigate to Events > Capture > Invitations.
Click on 'New'.
Choose the 'User Type' as 'Existing' if the user has been created previously on the account and choose the user.
Choose the 'User Type' as 'New' if the intended staff has never been added to the account before, enter their information
Choose a group or event to allow the user to access from the mobile app.
Add a description or an internal note regarding the user's invitation. It will be displayed below the 'Description' column of the Invitations tab.
Turn on the 'Allow Web App Access' to give access to the web app, and choose a security profile to be assigned to them.
Choose the 'User Type' as 'Universal' to allow multiple staff members to use the same credentials.
Enter a generic name and email for example 'Sales Team' and ''.
Enter each email of the staff members in a separate line below the 'Invitation Method' and an email will be sent out with the credentials to each of them.
Choose the intended group or event to allow the user to access from the mobile app.
Add a description or an internal note regarding the user's invitation. It will be displayed below the 'Description' column of the Invitations tab.
7) Creating and Inviting a User from the Mobile App
To invite users to an event from the mobile app, make sure you have the security profile permission 'Mobile App - Admin Access' and 'Mobile App - Send Invites' checked.
From the side menu of the mobile app, navigate to 'Admin'.
Click on the intended event and then click on the '+' sign.
Choose 'Choose 'Existing' to invite the users that have been added to your account or 'New' to invite new users to the account.
Once you are done, click on 'Invite'. An email with the 'Auth code' will be sent out to them.
8) Bulk Invitations
Bulk invitations allow you to invite multiple staff members at the same time.
Prepare a list of users in a sheet to upload them to the account. If there is no file prepared, click on the drop-down next to the 'New' button and choose 'Bulk Invite CSV Template' to download a ready template to add the users to.
The template will include an example of the intended fields. The first row will include the field names such as the first name, last name, email, and phone. Then starting from the second row, the users' information is inserted.
Then follow the following steps to upload the users:
Navigate to Events > Capture > Invitations.
Drag and drop the file or click on any blank space to upload the file from your device.
Note: The 'Bulk Invite CSV Template' button allows you to download a ready template to add the users to.
Choose the event you would like the users to be associated with
Review their information
Check the box below the intended invitation method. Whether via email, SMS, or both.
Turn on the 'Allow Web App Access' to give access to the web app, and choose a security profile to be assigned to them.
Click on 'Send'.
The successful invites will be highlighted in green as shown:
Invitations page
The 'Invitations' page displays information about the invited users to the mobile app where each row displays a user. This information includes:
Invitation To: The user that was invited.
Type: The type of the invitation whether it is a standard 'Individual' or 'Universal'.
Status: The status of the invitation whether it has been sent and waiting to be used or it is already used. Logging into the mobile app once turns the 'Pending' status into 'Used'.
Description: Displays any description or note added during the invitation.
Invitation By: The user that made the invitation.
Invitation Type: Displays the email address associated with the user's invitation.
Date: Displays the date and time the invitation was created.
Displaying a User's Auth Codes
To display a user's Auth code by clicking on the 'View' icon below their name.
The Auth code will be displayed instead of the '*' symbols. You can then copy the Auth code and forward it in an email or a text to the user.
Editing a User's Invitation
To edit their invitation information such as their 'Auth Code Device Limit', 'Groups', and 'Description', click on the 'Edit' icon to the right of their name or by clicking on the drop-down and then click on 'Edit'.
Deleting a User's Invitation
To delete a user's invitation click on the 'Delete' icon to the right of their name or by clicking on the drop-down to the right of the user and then click on 'Delete'.
Resend an Invitation to a User
To resend the credentials of the mobile app to a user click on the drop-down to the right of the user and then click on 'Resend'.
Displaying a User's Associated Devices
To display the associated devices with a certain user click on the drop-down to the right of the user and then click on 'Devices'.
You will then be redirected to a page displaying the information of the devices associated with the intended user as shown:
Exporting the Invitations Page Information
To export the information on the invitations page, click on the drop-down and then click on 'Export'.
Printing the Invitations Page Information
To print the information on the invitations page, click on the drop-down and then click on 'Print'.
Devices Page
The devices page allows you to display information about the users and their devices such as:
Device ID: The associated device ID for each user.
User: The name of the user.
Username: The username associated with the user.
Draft Submissions: Submissions that were put on hold by the user.
Groups: Display the number of events associated with the user.
Type: the type of device the user used to log into the mobile app.
Date Joined: the first date and time the user logged into the mobile app.
Last Connection Date: The last time the user was recorded to be logged into the mobile app.
Status: Displays the current status of the device whether the user is logged into the app or not.
App Version: Displays the version of the mobile app the user currently using.
It allows you to delete the invitation, assign access to different forms or groups, and deactivate a device.
Deleting a Device
To delete a device, scroll to the far right next to the intended user and click on the 'Delete' icon or click on the dropdown and click on 'Delete'.
Deactivating a Device
To deactivate a device, scroll to the far right next to the intended user, click on the dropdown, and then click on 'Deactivate'. A warning message will be displayed on their device indicating that the device was disabled.
Editing a Device's username
To edit a device's username only on the Device's page of the web app, click on the dropdown next to the intended user, then click on 'Edit'.
Enter the new username to be associated with the user and then click 'Save'.
Activating a Device
To activate a device, click on the dropdown next to the intended user, then click on 'Activate'.
Assigning or removing Access to an Event
To assign or remove user access to an event from the 'Devices' page, click on the number below 'Groups', choose additional events or remove access from certain events, then click 'Save'.
Another method is to scroll to the far right next to the intended user, click on the dropdown, and then click on 'Groups'.
Exporting the Devices Page Information
To export the information on the devices page, click on the drop-down and then click on 'Export'.
Printing the Devices Page Information
To print the information on the devices page, click on the drop-down and then click on 'Print'.
Customizing the Invitation Email
The invitation email is the email that is sent out to the users with the credentials to the mobile app. To customize the email, follow the following steps.
Navigate to Setup > Events > Capture.
Scroll down to Invitation.
Choose the 'Auth code device limit' which allows the same Auth code to be used on a specified number of devices.
Customize the subject line of the email and the content to your preference.
Click on 'Save'.