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Creating a conversation round as Admin

In this article we show you how to create a conversation round

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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Conducting formal conversations is an important part of any performance management cycle. Within Learned, this is done by means of conversation rounds. The Admin creates the conversation round and then the conversation is available in the employee's profile.

Create a conversation round

You can create a conversation round as Admin via Development - Conversations - Conversation cycle on the left side of the menu. This page shows an overview of all conversation rounds that have been created. You can filter here by active or archived rounds. Via the 'Create cycle' button, you can create a new conversation round. If activated, the coach can also create development conversations for individual team members from the 'Team' environment or from the Conversations page under the tab 'About someone else'.

When creating a conversation round, you always start by selecting a conversation template. The name and description from that template are automatically loaded. You can of course adjust this per conversation. You can also click on 'Preview' for a preview of the template.

Goal cycles

If your conversation template contains a section for planning new goals or evaluating goals, you must also determine the desired goal cycle in this step. The goal cycle ensures that the new planned goals are immediately scheduled in that period, or that when evaluating goals only the correct goals from the chosen period are loaded.


Then you select the employees who must participate in the conversation round. The correct coaches are automatically selected for each participant. You can distinguish between the coaches who have to give input and participants. Participants can of course also be the same as the coach that provides input, but it can also be someone else in the organisation. Coaches who have not been added for both giving input and being a participant will also not have access to the employee's conversation report.

Depending on the settings for 'Personal / Peer / Coach' input in the template, the selected participants will receive certain To Do's in the conversation round and the structure of the conversation template may differ.

Note: If you have added the option for 'digitally sign' in the template, all participants will be given the To Do to sign the conversation report.

Disabling role profiles

When you work in the conversation round with the exchange of 360° feedback on the most important skills from the employee's role profile, you can click on the names of the linked role profiles when adding participants. You can then deactivate role profiles in that particular conversation. The corresponding skills are consequently not added to the conversation form.

Note: it is also possible to disable specific skill categories directly when creating the review templates. The associated skills are then also not included in the conversation forms of the participants.


In the last step, determine when tasks for all activities that are performed within the conversation round will be visible with the start date. Determine also when tasks need to be done with deadlines.

Note: If you have enabled the option for 'calibrate' in the template of the development conversation, this is also shown in the deadline for the coaches to provide input for the conversation.

If you have enabled or disabled the 'digi sign' option in the development conversation template you will also see this in the overview when selecting a start and deadline date.


You can choose to publish or save the conversation round as a draft. If you publish, the associated activities are shared with the employees.

Note: changes to, for example, the conversation template, the (selected) role profiles and the team layouts will no longer be reflected in the active conversation round. If you choose to save the conversation round as a draft, you can open it later and make changes.

Note: if you change something in templates, please select the template again in the creation flow of the review round. When doing this, the last version of the template will be used in the review round.

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