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New: (Pre-)Release Note 'Skill reviews in Learned 3.0'
New: (Pre-)Release Note 'Skill reviews in Learned 3.0'
Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over 6 months ago

It is almost here! The long-awaited update of Learned 3.0 is just around the corner. In this (Pre-)Release Note, we take you as Admin, through some important upcoming changes.

πŸ’‘ Please note: The launch date of Learned 3.0 is the 1st of November. More communication will follow to you and your colleagues in the coming weeks.

Important: watch the video β€˜Skill Evaluations in Learned 3.0’ (Dutch only)

In Learned 3.0, we take a new approach to evaluating skills and competences. Are you planning to do an evaluation this year? πŸ‘‰ Then check out the video above!

Key takeaways:

  • Evaluations created before 01-11 follow the old methodology on skill evaluations.

  • Once the update is launched, however, these evaluations will be shown in the new user interface.

  • Only evaluations created after 01-11 follow the new methodology on skill evaluations.

  • For evaluations created before 01-11, it will no longer be possible to add additional employees after the launch of the update + scheduled dates in the calendar, unfortunately, cannot be migrated and must be rescheduled.

πŸ’‘ Questions after this video? Feel free to contact us!

What else is included in Learned 3.0?

Apart from the new skill evaluations, an updated look&feel, simple menu structure and many new features are coming πŸš€

  • Career: Generate Skill & KPI-based job profiles based on AI.

  • Performance: A greatly improved user experience in the Review module.

  • Reports: As HR, get the insights you need into low- and high performers with the advanced Reporting module.

Follow the free Admin Training Programme

To educate you in Learned 3.0, we have developed a completely new training programme. Through 3 training sessions, you will learn all about setting up Learned, conducting evaluations and working with the reports πŸ“š.

πŸ‘‰ Training sessions will start in November and more information on how to sign up will follow!

Planned β€˜Downtime’ during the launch of Learned 3.0

The launch of Learned 3.0 is our biggest update yet. As several new features are being added and a lot of data needs to be migrated, we will implement the updates on Friday 1 November & Friday 8 November (including subsequent weekends). As a result, the Learned platform will be unavailable on these 2 Fridays.

πŸ‘‰ Over the next few weeks, we will inform all Learned users about this in more detail!

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