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Learn how to work with skills

In this article we give you an introduction to working with skills in Learned.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over 4 months ago

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At Learned, we try to encourage frequent reviews and conversations about skills and competencies. There are therefore various places in the platform where these skills and competencies are shown. It is up to the Admin to manage all skills, competencies and associated settings. That is why we have written various articles to help you with this.

Where do you work with skills in Learned?

First of all, a short impression of where you will have to deal with skills in the Learned platform.

  • Job profiles: after you have created the skill set, you get started with forming job/role profiles. You link each profile to various skills at a certain level. The linked level is also known as the expected level the organisation wants to see reflected in a particular job profile.

  • Review module: when creating themes and templates for the reviews, one of the options is to evaluate on skills linked in the employees' job profile. Employees are given a questionnaire consisting of all, for them, relevant skills.

  • Career plan: as Admin, you assign employees to 1 or more job profiles. In addition, within the career module as an employee, you will see different career paths in front of you, both vertical and custom career paths. For these custom paths, an employee can select an ambition himself. This way, employees have insight into the required skills for their current and desired future job profile.

  • Learning module (if active): as Admin you can link learning activities to certain skills. You can indicate if the activity is for example Required, Recommended or Optional. Learning activities linked to skills also give employees insight into which activities can help improve a skill, or which activities are linked to an ambition role.

  • Reports: Admins have insight into the skill development and skill gap of the entire organisation.

Example of a skill in the Learned review module

How is a skill set built up in Learned?

To view your skills, go to Job matrix (bottom left menu) - Skills and KPIs (this is a list view) or Skill and KPI matrix. When you go to Skill and KPI matrix, you have the ability to view your added skills in a skill matrix.

The moment you start adding skills to Learned, you can use the Learned skill templates. Using AI, Learned generates focus areas expressed in 5 expertise levels (beginner-expert) for all skills added as templates to our database.

❗️Note: The skill set consists of at least 4 skill categories, such as Competencies, Professional skills, IT skills and KPI's. Through these categories you can classify the skills in a logical way. This division is reflected in the design of your job profiles and when exchanging feedback on skills.

If you want to change the skill category name, or add a new skill category, you must be in the Edit mode of the skill matrix. Then click on the dropdown of the skill categories and click Edit. You have the option here to rename the existing categories or add a new category.

πŸ“š The skills you add to the skill matrix can be divided into expertise levels. Read this article if you want to know more about these different expertise levels.

What are the possibilities to fill your own skill set?

There are 3 possibilities to work with the skill matrix:

  1. Make full use of the Learned skill templates elaborated with focus areas for each expertise level:

    1. For companies that have already thought broadly about competencies, but have not yet worked this out in detail.

  2. Combine your own skillset with the Learned skill templates:

    1. For companies that want to use their own structure when setting up competencies, but also want to use the skill templates elaborated with different focus areas.

  3. Create a completely custom skill set:

    1. For companies that want to set up their own competency framework in the Learned platform.

πŸ’‘ Also check our other articles related to adding skills to the skill matrix or customising skill categories and/or skill levels. You will find them at the top of this article.

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