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Wholesale or Retail?

Find out more about the Wholesale Route or Retail Route in your Wearable Art Journey

Katherine Pion avatar
Written by Katherine Pion
Updated over a week ago

Fashion is a journey.

Most creators come to Le Galeriste for an adventure.

It always begins with a simple thought born of curiosity:

I can do this. With the right tools & the right help, I could build a fashion business.

Then curiosity leads to exploration and enjoyment as you design your first products and collections.

A need for sharing and connecting with others soon emerges. So, tentatively, you publish your first collection.

For many of us, it doesn’t go much further. The journey becomes about the pleasure of designing your clothes and surprising your entourage with fabulous outfits. For others, people fall in love with your creations. Revenues start flowing in.

But you were born with a more entrepreneurial heart... There is a community around your project, and you are having a blast. You need to see how far you can take it.

If you have this ambition, there are two main routes you can take:

  1. If you wish to sell directly to your customers and maintain these relationships (and high margins), click here to learn more about The Retail Route;

  2. If your ambitions are to build a wholesale network of stores that resell your products, click here to learn more about The Wholesale Route;

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