Loanapp allows Estimated Settlement Date to be captured in multiple sections of a Loan Application. This provides you with the opportunity to:
Choose which field best represents the field that will be mapped back to your internal systems
Use only one Estimated Settlement Date field for simplicity
Use a combination of Estimated Settlement Date fields*
In practice we have found the best approach is often to choose only 1 Estimated Settlement Date field to avoid confusion.
The places within an Application that an Estimated Settlement Date can be captured are:
1. Overview Section
Estimated Settlement Date in the Precursor Tab --> Overview section is designed to be captured at an Application Level. This option is ideal if you are capturing 1 Estimated Settlement Date for the entire Application.
2. New Loan Section
Estimated Settlement Date in the New Requirements --> New Loan section is designed to be captured at a Product Level. This option is ideal if you will allow differing Estimated Settlement Dates in one 1 Application.
3. New Purchase Section
Estimated Settlement Date in the New Requirements --> New Purchase section is designed to be captured at a Property Level and is only available if the Contract of Sale has been signed. This option is ideal if you require the Estimated Settlement Date as specified on the Contract of Sale.
*Business logic and validation rules can be applied if you choose to have multiple Estimated Settlement Date fields available within an Application.