Info Request is a great new tool that brokers can use while working on their Loanapp application to securely send Information and Supporting Documents requests to their applicants. Applicants can then reply directly back to loanapp/the broker.
The Info Request functionality is also able to be branded with the broker's logo, meaning that your applicants receive requests from you, rather than the lender you are submitting to. If you would like to 'set your brand' on Info Requests, click here for full instructions.
How to send an Info Request
The Info Request button will be in the top ribbon of any Loanapp data capture screen, and also in the supporting docs screen:
So you can conveniently trigger an Info Request from anywhere in the application.
When you click Information Request:
You will be presented with a popup that allows you to set the details of the request you are making to the applicant/s:
When you press "send Request", this will then send an email invite to your applicant.
The popup itself can be closed, or you can set another Info Request.
When you have sent an info request, you will be able to see in the ribbon that you have 1 request sent:
Your Applicant's experience
Your applicant will receive an email invite asking them to login and review the request.
If you have set your branding, the banding on the invite will be your brokerage branding. If you haven't, it will be the lender's branding:
When they 'click here' they will be presented with a login screen:
Note that they can use any of their social logins for a nice, easy login - or if they want or need to, they can set a password to be able to login.
Once logged in, they will be presented with any new or outstanding info requests:
If they click on the request, it opens up to show the request sent by you:
Note that the applicant can use any device:
Your applicant can then upload docs/add comment and submit back to you:
Receiving an Info Request response
When your applicant has sent back a response, you will see in your Loanapp ribbon that you have a response:
Click on the response icon, and you will be taken to the response to review:
Click on the new reply. If a document has been sent, click on the Icon to enlarge. You can also see any comments sent by your applicants:
You can download and save any documents, if you want to (but you can automatically send to supporting docs - see next section)
Action the response
You will need to 'action' the reply from your customer to finish it off.
There are a bunch of actions you can select, including re-sending the request if the applicant hasn't completed it correctly.
When you close the request, you will note that the request moves to closed in your icons:
If a document has been returned, you can "accept response and send to":
This will send the document/s straight to your supporting docs section in Loanapp, ready for you to use in Supporting Docs checklist: