Please scroll down to view step-by-step instructions
District Administrators
District Administrators must give access to District Learning Activities directly to schools in the district. Once schools have access to an activity, a school administrator at that school, will then be able to grant access of the activity to specific teachers.
1. Select District Activities from the left menu.
2. Click on the underlined title of the activity.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the learning activity to the School Access tile.
4. Click the Give Access to All button to give access to the activity to all schools.
5. Click the Add Access button to the right of a school's name to give access to an individual school.
6. Click the Remove Access button to remove access to the activity from an individual school, or the Remove Access from All button to remove access from all schools.
School Administrators
School administrators must give access to District or School Learning Activities directly to teachers in the school. Once teachers have access to an activity, they will then be able to assign the activity to students.
1. Select District Activities or My School Activities from the left menu.
2. Click on the underlined title of the activity.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the learning activity to the Teacher Access tile.
4. Click the Give Access to All button to give access to the activity to all teachers.
5. Click the Add Access button to the right of a teacher's name to give access to an individual teacher.
6. Click the Remove Access button to remove access to the activity from an individual teacher, or the Remove Access from All button to remove access from all teachers.