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Using the Activity-Specific Responder Tools

District and School Connect offers several configurable Responder Tools for students. These tools are specific to each Learning Activity.

Mandy Alston avatar
Written by Mandy Alston
Updated over 2 years ago

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The Calculator, Highlighter, and Zoom responder tool options are set by Teachers at the Learning Activity level.

  • Calculator – Select one of these options: Item Specific, Basic, or Scientific. If Item Specific is selected, the item/action may specify which calculator will be available.

    NOTE: If an Administrator has disabled the Calculator from their account, it will not be available to Teachers.

  • Highlighter – Students have the ability to select and highlight text using multiple highlighter colors.

    NOTE: This tool is available only for activities built from Action banks.

  • Zoom – Students have the ability to enlarge reading passages.

    NOTE: This tool is available only for activities built from Action banks.

Hot To Set the Responder Tools

1. Select the desired Learning Activity from the left-hand menu (District Activities, School Activities, or My Activities).

2. Click on the underlined title of the activity.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Learning Activity panel.

4. Click on the desired Calculator option.

5. Highlighter and Zoom will default to On.

NOTE: Teachers have the option to hide these responder tools by clicking on the Hide box to the right of the feature's name.

Students Using the Calculator Tool

1. Students will see the Calculator icon in the top right corner of a student action. Click on the calculator icon to open the calculator.

2. Students can use the keyboard number pad or click on the calculator buttons.

3. Click the calculator icon or the Up triangle to close the calculator.

4. For written response items, students can copy/paste equations directly from the calculator into the text box within the item.

Students Using Highlighter

To Highlight Text:

1. Click and drag the cursor over the desired text.

2. Click the drop down menu on the highlighter feature.

3. Select the desired color to highlight selected text.

4. Students also have the option to hide text. This will black out selected text.

To Remove Highlighted Text:

1. Click and drag cursor over the desired highlighted text.

2. Click the drop down menu on the highlighter feature.

3. Select None on the highlight color option.

Students Using Zoom

1. Students will click the Zoom + button to enlarge text and the Zoom – to reduce text to original size. Student can enlarge up to 150%.

For information on configuring and using responder tools that are specific to each student, see the guide Using the Student-Specific Responder Tools.

For information on general responder tools that are available by default to all students, see the guide Using the General Responder Tools for All Students.

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