How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time, here’s how that works.
Please note: When you cancel your subscription, it does not immediately end the subscription. Your subscription remains active until your next renewal date, and from this date your subscription will not be renewed going forward.
Follow the below steps to cancel your subscription:
1. Click on your Tokens in the top left of the menu bar on your Home page.
2. Click on the “Manage Subscription” button.
3. Click the "Cancel Your Subscription" button.
What happens to my Tokens after I cancel my subscription?
When you cancel your subscription, it does not immediately end the subscription - so you keep your current Tokens until your next renewal date, at which point any unused Tokens expire.
How do I check if my subscription is cancelled?
1. Click on your Tokens in the top left of the menu bar on your Home page.
2. If your subscription is cancelled, you will see a message "Your plan will change to Free on <CANCELLATION DATE>" - on this date your subscription will end.