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Bulk Actions

Mass tagging, mass add to learn, and mass ownership of content via bulk actions

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

With bulk actions, admins can update tags, manage ownership of lessons, archive lessons, and organize the Learn tabs of users and groups.

After selecting multiple lessons, a Bulk Actions button will appear in the navigation menu of the Content page. Clicking the button will populate a drop-down menu with four options:

1. Mass Tagging

2. Mass Add to Learn

3. Mass Share Ownership

💡 Important Note: Only individuals can be added as owners; groups are not applicable. When ownership is shared in mass, an email will be sent to the manager or creator.

4. Mass Archive

Notes and FAQs

  • Tags, groups, and owners must first be created before they'll appear in the Bulk Actions menu. 

  • Draft lessons won't be added to the Learn tab as optional learning if selected in the "Manage Learn Tab Availability" submenu.

  • At this time there is no option to bulk add distributors.

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