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Zendesk Ticket Handling Practice

Create realistic support scenarios by adding real Zendesk tickets to Learning

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

What Is Zendesk Practice?

The Zendesk practice integration imports real Zendesk tickets into Learning, helping you create authentic, interactive scenarios in which new hires learn the fundamentals of customer support while tenured teammates sharpen their skills.

Zendesk practice is available for customers in the Starter and Business packages. To enable this feature, please contact your Account Manager or email Support at

What Information Does Learning Store?

Learning stores the following information about imported Zendesk tickets:

  • Ticket ID number

  • When the ticket was created

  • The name of the person who originally sent the ticket

  • Ticket subject line and description

These details can be changed when designing practice activities, however. Imported ticket data will remain on Learning's servers unless or until you delete tickets from the practice element.

Install Zendesk Practice

First things first! Contact the Learning Support team and request that Zendesk practice be enabled for your account. Send an email to

Navigate to Zendesk's Marketplace. Search for the Seismic Learning Practice app, then select the account to which the app should be installed.

You'll be directed to the Learning Practice installation page. Here you must supply three pieces of information: a title, a subdomain, and a token. The title can be anything you choose. As for the subdomain and token, these can be found in the admin settings of your Learning account.

In Learning, select the cog icon in the upper right corner of the user interface, then select Settings from the menu. Finally, select the Integrations tab. On this page you'll see a heading, "Zendesk Integration", followed by your subdomain and token values. Copy this information, taking care not to expose or share the token.

Return to the Learning Practice installation page in Zendesk. Enter the subdomain and token values in their corresponding fields.

Note that you can also set access permissions on this page. Admins can restrict access to certain groups or user roles. Read this article for more information on managing access.

And that's it! You've successfully installed the Zendesk practice app. Read on to learn how the app works in Learning.

Send Zendesk Tickets to Seismic Learning

In Zendesk, select any ticket. You can send open tickets to Learning or closed ones. Next, select the Apps icon from the fly-out menu on the right-hand side of the page.

Your installed apps appear in a collapsible menu. Locate Seismic Learning Practice and expand it. Here you can add a usage note to explain why the ticket would make a useful addition to a lesson.

Finally, select Send to export the ticket to your Learning account.

Design Practice Activities with Zendesk Tickets

Navigate to the lesson to you want to enhance with Zendesk practice. Select Add Element, then select Zendesk Ticket Handling from the Practice submenu.

Choose a ticket from the ones you've exported to Learning. You can filter by all saved tickets in your account or just the ones you've saved. If you appended a usage note in Zendesk you'll see it underneath the ticket's subject line.

πŸ’‘ Tip: To delete a ticket, select it, then click on the X in the right-hand corner. Don't worry; this won't affect the ticket in Zendesk. It will only delete the imported copy.

After importing a ticket you'll see its facsimile within the practice element. All of the salient information from the original ticket is recreated here including the name of the requester, the original subject line, and the request itself (i.e., the problem vexing the requester).

To this information, you'll want to add a prompt that instructs learners how to successfully complete the activity. Learners will compose a reply to the support ticket as if it were an actual, urgent problem within the Zendesk platform.

Optionally, select the Grading Resources tab to supply graders with a correct answer and notes to help them calibrate their assessment activities. These fields are optional and independent of one another (that is, you can add one or the other, or both). You can also add feedback criteria to help learners understand what constitutes a great answer.

What Learners See

This is an example of what learners see when they encounter Zendesk practice in a lesson. On completion, learners' responses are sent to the grading station to await evaluation.

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