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Creating Triggers

Automate the distribution of your training content

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over 12 months ago

In This Article

About Triggers

Triggers automate the distribution of learning content, decreasing the number of manual actions in your training program. Configuring triggers enables learners to progress through a training curriculum, transitioning from one lesson to another according to conditions you set.

How to Create Triggers

Access trigger settings from the gear icon menu, located in the upper right-hand corner of the Learning application.

New accounts won't have any triggers. To create one, click the New Trigger button. There are two types to choose from, content triggers and group triggers.

Two Types of Triggers

Triggers come in two different flavors. When learners trip a Content Trigger, they're assigned fresh training content based on the lesson or path they just completed. When learners trip a Group Trigger, they're assigned certain content after being added to a group you specify.

The logic of a content trigger is as follows:

After a user or group completes a certain lesson or path, assign a new lesson or path and (optionally) make it due in this many days.

The logic of a group trigger is similar, differing only in terms of the action taken.

After a user or group becomes a member of a certain group, assign a new lesson or path and (optionally) make it due in this many days.

Here's an example of a completed trigger.

Once the trigger's logic is validated––i.e., once a valid entry has been added to each field––the "Create Trigger" button will become active, allowing you to save and activate the trigger.

💡 Important Note: Content assignments will not be triggered if the preceding lesson or path is awaiting a grade in the Grading Station.

Other Considerations

1. Setting a due date is optional. Leave this field empty if you want to assign content without a due date.

2. Select the Everyone group to create triggers that apply to every member of your organization.

3. In the Trigger menu, select Filter by Group to see only those triggers that apply to certain groups.

Deactivating Triggers

When updating groups and users, you can prevent users from being reassigned content they previously completed. To do so, disable any triggers associated with those groups.

To deactivate triggers, navigate to the trigger menu, select the trigger you want to update, then toggle the trigger from Active to Inactive. Select Save Trigger to save your changes.

You can also delete a trigger altogether by clicking the trash can icon alongside it.

Set Triggers to Not Restart Users

When content is triggered, it's assigned immediately, which could spell trouble for learners who've already completed a lesson. Fortunately, triggers can be set to restart or not restart users by toggling the option, "People who have already started any of this content..."

Triggers set to restart are denoted by a repeat arrow icon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I have to set a due date on triggered content?

A. No, setting a due date is optional.

Q. Do triggers work retroactively?

A. No, they only affect actions taken after their creation.

Q. Can triggered assignments be delayed?

A. No, triggers are either active or inactive. When active, they immediately assign content after being tripped.

Q. When assignments are triggered, and learners are sent notification emails, from whom do the emails come?

A. These emails are system generated and therefore come from the company rather than from a particular user.

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