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Unassign Content

How to unassign lessons or paths for individuals or groups of users

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over 2 years ago

Suppose you accidentally assign the wrong lesson, or circumstances obviate the need for additional training on a given concept or subject. Not to worry! It's as easy to unassign content as it was to assign it in the first place.

You can unassign content from either a user's overview page or the assignment's overview page. Each process is described below.

Unassign Content from a User Overview Page

Navigate to a user's overview page and select View All next to the incomplete assignments bar chart.

This opens the user's incomplete assignments queue. Locate the assignment you want to unassign, then select the unassign link within its row.

A system message will ask you to confirm your decision. Exercise caution! If you unassign the wrong lesson, you'll need to reassign it.

Select OK to remove the assignment from the user's account.

Unassign Content in Bulk

Content can be unassigned in bulk by selecting multiple lessons. When two or more assignments are selected, the bulk unassign action will appear in the assignment toolbar. Select unassign from the toolbar to unassign all of the assignments you selected.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Use the checkbox in the tool bar to select all of a user's incomplete assignments.

Unassign Content from its Overview Page

Navigate to the overview page of the lesson or path you want to unassign. If you're unassigning a lesson, select the View All link alongside the incomplete bar chart.

Path overviews are visually distinct from lesson overviews, but the unassignment process is otherwise unchanged. To unassign a path, select the Incomplete link in the Assignments module.

Doing so will open a table of all outstanding assignments listed in descending order by the time the assignment was started. You can unassign content for an individual learner by selecting Unassign from his or her row, or you can unassign content from multiple users by selecting the checkboxes alongside their names, and then selecting Unassign from the toolbar.

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