What Is a Specified Grader?
By default, a user's manager is responsible for grading any assigned learning content. This responsibility can be delegated to others, however, by naming them as specified graders. Specified graders may be specialists with the expertise to evaluate learner performance, or they may help lighten the load when ungraded lessons begin to pile up.
Setting a Specified Grader
Specified graders can be designated on the lesson overview page. Look for the 'Specify Graders' field in the settings menu on the right-hand side of the page.
Begin typing the name of the user you wish to designate as a grader, then select it from the list. If you select the wrong name you can remove it by clicking the X alongside it.
Typically, only users in oversight or supervisory roles, such as managers and creators, will be designated as specified graders. Admins needn't be thus designated because, by default, they have unrestricted access of the platform. However, your Learning tenant can be configured so that learners, too, can be specified as graders.
π‘ Important Note: To enable the ability to specify learners as graders, please contact the Support team at support@lessonly.com. This option is disabled by default. When the feature has been enabled, the Specify Graders field will include a "New!" label as pictured below.
Other Considerations
Specified graders can only view and grade completed content in the Grading Station.
Specified graders without content ownership or people management permissions cannot view user completions after grading their completed lessons.
If a user has content ownership and manages a group of users, but is also a specified grader, they'll be able to grade completed content from the users they manage and from lessons they've been specified to grade. But when navigating to the content overview page, they will only be able to view their assigned users.
Specified Grader Notifications
When graders are specified on a lesson, only those users will be notified when a lesson needs to be graded. The grading station will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the Learning interface, next to the gear icon.
Additionally, specified graders will receive an email from notifications@lessonly.com
the morning after learners complete a lesson. Graders will continue receiving emails until they grade the content they've been assigned.
Only the specified grader and the manager of the user(s) will be notified of completed content. Users in an admin role are not notified.
Show Learners the Specified Grader
By showing learners the grader responsible for evaluating their work, learners will know who to contact if they have any questions or concerns about their evaluations. After an assignment is graded and returned, learners can see who graded it under the Graded By column on their report cards.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. If a lesson has several specified graders, how is responsibility determined?
A. In such a scenario, grading responsibility is handled on a first come, first served basis. In other words, each grader is as eligible as the next one. It's up to the graders, or perhaps their supervisor, to determine who is responsible for which assignments.
Q. Can managers see feedback if it was left by a specified grader?
A. Yes, feedback is recorded on learner report cards regardless of author. Check out this article for information on locating user report cards.
Questions? Contact the Support team at support@lessonly.com