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Chat Conversation Practice

Simulate the experience of providing customers help and support via live chat

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

About Chat Conversation Practice

Creating chat conversation elements is similar to creating Chat Scenarios. These elements are located in the lesson builder by users with lesson creation permissions.

This feature is available in the Starter and Business packages.

How to Create a Chat Conversation

Users with content creation permissions can include conversation elements by selecting "+ Add Element," > hover over "Practice" in the drop-down menu > and select "Chat Conversation."

Required Fields for Chat Conversations

At the top of the conversation chat element there are three learner-facing fields to fill out:

  • Conversation Title: Enough said.

  • Scenario Introduction: An overview of the scenario.

  • Customer Name: The name representing the customer or person the learner is conversing with.

Chat conversation elements require at least one interaction and include a single interaction by default.

Select the Interaction 1 header to expand and fill in the needed fields.

Each interaction has three required fields:

  • Incoming Chat: The first message presented to the user. The user can then choose a response back.

  • Correct Response: Each interaction contains a correct response.

  • Incorrect Response: Each interaction there can be a variety of incorrect answers for the user to choose from.

Each field needs to be filled in or the lesson stays in an invalid state.

When a lesson is in an invalid state the Publish button is inactive and a notification banner appears notifying the lesson builder why the content cannot be published.

What Is the Explanation Field?

The Explanation field associated with each response is optional but can be used to provide further information on why a response is correct or incorrect.

Select "+ Add additional incorrect responses" to add an additional response or select the "trash can icon" to delete it.

Note: The trash can icon will not appear if your element only has one interaction.

Adding Additional Interactions

To add additional interactions select Add Interaction at the bottom of the element.

Each additional interaction contains the same fields and options as the first interaction.

Interactions can be re-ordered to the lesson builder's liking. To reorder interactions, each interaction needs to be collapsed > then hover over the interaction header > select the collapsed interaction and drag to reorder.

Important Notes

  • Chat Conversations cannot be added to the Element Library.

  • By default, the Required box is enabled. If the conversation doesn't need to be completed by learners before finishing the lesson, unmark the checkbox to make it optional.

Learner Point of View

Chat conversations appear with a button labeled "Start Chat." After the user selects "Start Chat" the first chat message appears for the user to begin responding.

The chat conversation displays:

  • The Conversation Title

  • Scenario Introduction

  • Customer Name (if provided)

  • And a message letting the user know the progress is not saved until the chat is complete.

The order of the reply options (depending on how many interactions were included by the lesson builder) is randomized each time they are displayed to a learner.

When a user selects a reply the experience presents immediate feedback (if applicable) indicating whether the selected answer is correct or not.

If feedback has not been provided, the explanation notifies the user there is no feedback for them.

When the user selects an incorrect response, they are provided all options again in random order and prompted to make another selection.

If the conversation contains more than one interaction after the correct response is selected the next message is displayed and the reply options to choose from.

At the end of the conversation, the customer leaves the chat and the learner receives the below screen notifying them the chat has been saved.

Lesson Overview Page

Admins, managers, and creators with reporting rights are able to view Conversation Performance information on the lesson overview page.

When # response is selected, the user is navigated to the conversation-specific page.

This includes:

  • Interaction Performance

  • Conversations Completed by Learner

The user can hover over the bars in the graph to present the percent breakdown for each response selected on the first attempt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can feedback criteria be added to Chat Conversation elements in lessons?

A. No, not at this time.

Q. Is there a limit on how many interactions can be added to a Chat Conversation element?

A. No, as many interactions can be added as the lesson builder would like.

Q. Is there a limit on how many incorrect responses can be added to an interaction within a Chat Conversation element?

A. No.

Q. Can users move or copy their existing on-demand practice conversation scenarios into a lesson without having to re-create them?

A. No, on-demand practice conversation scenarios cannot be moved or copied into a lesson. Users need to recreate the chat conversation manually in the lesson builder.

Q. Is there a way for learners to review the conversation they have completed after navigating away?

A. Not at this time.

Questions? Contact the Support team at

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