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How to Assign Content

How admins, managers, and users with content and people permission can assign content.

Joanna Brenneman avatar
Written by Joanna Brenneman
Updated over a week ago

In This Article

Who Can Assign Content?

  1. Admins. Admins have automatic ownership of all lessons, paths, and practice scenarios in the system; and they can view and act on all people in the system, including the ability to deploy (i.e., assign) content.

  2. Managers. By default, managers can deploy the content they own to people in groups they manage. They can create and edit training content, and they can be granted ownership of lessons and paths created by other users.

  3. Users in custom roles. Users can assign content so long as they:

    1. own it, either by dint of having created it or by having ownership granted to them;

    2. have permission to deploy content to other users in the system.

For more information on roles and permissions, check out these articles.

How to Assign Content

Select the Assign button in the upper-right corner of the Seismic Learning interface. This will launch the assignment module.

Now you have some choices to make! You must make the following selections before an assignment can be scheduled:

Selecting Assignment Content

By default, the content list for admins shows all published content. For managers, creators, and custom roles only content shared with them or content they created (if applicable) shows.

The content list is sorted by the most recently updated as it's default. To update this filter select "Recently Updated" > and update the list to be filtered by "Name A-Z" or "Name Z-A."

The list can be further filtered down by deselecting "lessons," "resources" (if applicable), or "paths & path certifications."

If the user knows the name of the content being assigned, they can easily search for the content by name in the "Search" bar.

Once the correct content is located, the user will select the name of the content and it populates in the sidebar under "Content."

To remove a selected piece of content, click the X next to the title and it removes the content from the assignment.

Once finished, choose "Select Assignees" in the bottom right-hand corner of the module.


Admins can view all users under the assignee list. Managers, creators, and custom roles can only view users in groups they have been set to manage.

Important Note: If a user is not appearing, please reach out to an Admin or contact the Support team at

Assignees can be on a user-by-user basis or whole groups can be assigned content.

Similar to content by default, the assignee list is sorted with the most recently updated users or groups appearing first. To update this select "Recently Updated" > toggle to "Name A-Z" or "Name Z-A."

To filter the list, the user can deselect "People" or "Groups." Then select the name of each user or the group to assign the content. To remove an assignee/group, select the X.

Once the assignee(s) have been chosen > select "Schedule Assignment" in the bottom right-hand corner of the module.

Scheduling Assignments

When scheduling the assignment, you can designate whether the content should be assigned immediately or on a date and time you specify. You can also add an optional due date, and decide whether to assign the content on a recurring basis.

If you decide to make an assignment recurring, you must decide how often the assignment recurs and after which period of time: days, weeks, months, or years. You can also add due dates to recurring assignments.

When setting an assignment to recur, you must also restart any people who've already started any of the content, otherwise, the content will not be reassigned.

Recurring assignments will appear in the Scheduled Assignments Queue.

After setting the correct parameters, select Send Assignment in the bottom right corner of the module.

💡 Important Note: A quick caution about scheduled assignments: suppose you add a new employee––let's call him Russ––to a group after assigning that group content. So long as Russ is added to the group before 8 am ET, when scheduled assignments are sent, he'll receive the assignment on the date you specified. Otherwise, you'll need to manually assign Russ the same learning content his fellow group members received. This is because content assignments are not automatically retroactive.

Review and Assign

Review and Assign shows a summary of the assignment including:

  • The number of items being assigned

  • The number of assignees (users and groups)

  • Assignment date (immediate or on a specific date)

If users may have already been assigned some of the content, they will not receive a reminder unless otherwise noted. To update this for the users to receive an email whether they have been assigned previously or not > select the dropdown and choose "Will receive a reminder."

If any users in the assignee list have already been assigned and started or completed the content, by default they will not be restarted. To restart a user select "Will be restarted."

💡 Note: these are default settings that cannot be saved in a different configuration. They will always load as pictured below.

Finally, assignors can include an optional message for users to review before starting the assignment. To do so, enter the desired text in "Optional Assignment Email Message." This message can be customized with HTML text formatting elements. See this article for more information.

To preview the email message, select "Preview email." Once you're ready to assign content, click the "Send Assignment" button at the bottom of the module.

Important Note

If a lesson is part of a path previously assigned and completed by a user and the lesson within the path is reassigned and restarted at the lesson level for a user, both the lesson and the path will show as incomplete.

Or, similarly, if the content is added to a path after a user completed the path and is set to "Required" it shows the lesson and path as incomplete.

If the path is reassigned but the content already completed is set to "not restart users" only the path shows as incomplete.

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