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Best Practices for Auditing Content

Tips for keeping your content fresh and your account uncluttered

Michael Hughes avatar
Written by Michael Hughes
Updated over a week ago

Expert coffee roaster, Claudio Iovine, is pictured inspecting beans under a magnifying glass, at Café Kaawa in Quintana Roo, Mexico.

As your training content increases, so does the difficulty of keeping it organized and discoverable––not to mention accurate, relevant, and useful to its beneficiaries. So it's wise to schedule periodic audits of your content. Doing so will help you identify lessons that need to be updated and refreshed, or perhaps archived altogether. These tips will help you get started.

Sort by Freshness

Use the freshness filter on the Content page to see when training content was last edited or completed. Lessons are rated on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being minty fresh. Lesson freshness begins to degrade 60 days from the time a lesson is created.

💡 Note: only lessons are rated by freshness.

Optimize Discovery

Use the Searches module, part of the learner engagement dashboard, to improve the searchability of your training content. This module contains two tables, one containing most searched terms and one containing most searched terms with no results. Use these queries to find gaps in your training program, discover learner interests, or identify keywords that should be added to lesson and section titles in order to improve search discovery.

Note that search data can be exported as a .csv file. Select Search Summary and a report will be downloaded to your computer.

Analyze All Lessons

Close out the business year or begin a new one by downloading the All Lessons report from the Insights page. This report contains metadata about all lessons in your account since its creation, including editing activity, completion and assignment data, and the status of your lessons (draft, published, or new version pending).

💡 Note: this report is limited to customers with 250 or fewer monthly active users, and the report is quite large. It might take several minutes to compile.

Play Tag

Add descriptive tags to your lessons. Tags are a kind of metadata, a keyword or term that can help you manage the contents of your Seismic Learning account. Tags facilitate lesson management, improving search and discovery. And they ensure that learners aren't overwhelmed by irrelevant content.

Search Smarter

Make sure your lessons have keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and use Learning's advanced search functionality. Unlike the default search box, advanced search will find keywords and phrases in text elements, section headers, and practice scenarios.

💡 Note: Learning's search is powered by a third-party provider, Algolia. Because Learning pushes data to Algolia, there may be a brief delay before published keywords are returned by the search engine.

Good Housekeeping

Archive lessons that weren't assigned or updated the previous year. Sort your content by the date it was last completed to identify musty content.

Remember, archiving content isn't the same as deleting it. You can always restore archived content should you need it again.

Enhance Lesson Design

Add approximate completion times to the start of your lessons. This will help learners budget their time and stay on task by giving them a sense of the lesson's endpoint.

Add cover images while you're at it. Cover images individuate lessons and add visual interest, making them eye-catching and appealing. Never underestimate the value of a little pizzazz! ✨

Phone a Friend

Consider scheduling a best practices audit with a member of our Content Services team. Nominate a lesson from your account and we'll evaluate it based on our best practices. You'll receive a report brimming with recommendations for enhancing the quality of your training content. This work can be performed on an account-wide basis, too. Contact your account manager to get started. 🤙

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