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Why do you use shrimp or crab in two of your canned dog foods?
Why do you use shrimp or crab in two of your canned dog foods?

When it comes to your dog's health, you can never be too careful. Read more about why we use these ingredients in the canned food.

Arin avatar
Written by Arin
Updated over a week ago

When our product formulators are selecting an ingredient to use in one of our premium products, we investigate everything. Here's more about our process and why we use shrimp and crab.

1. We only want to use proteins that are highly digestible and easy for the body to utilize.

2. We select proteins which also contain additional nutrients that will contribute to the overall nutritional level of the finished product. For example shrimp contains high levels of the antioxidant Astaxantin, which supports the body’s immune system in multiple ways. Shrimp and crab both contain good levels of vitamins A, B (especially B12), and minerals such as Calcium, Zinc and Copper.

3. If seafood is used it must contribute omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and/or EPA.

4. The seafood must contain minimal amount of contaminants. The shrimp and crab we use have low levels of contaminants, such as mercury.

5. The protein must be low-calorie.

6. Finally, the protein must have a flavor that dogs will really enjoy!

As you can see, both shrimp and crab are excellent protein sources for our premium canned dog foods.

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