Some pet products on the market today do contain garlic. It's use is unusually widespread, as 100's of companies include garlic in their formulas. For the most part, dogs and cats don’t have a problem with garlic. However, we learned early on that whole garlic can cause a dire medical condition known as Heinz Body Anemia. Anemia can be dangerous because the red blood cells fail to successfully carry oxygen throughout the body. The sad truth is that this condition can in some cases be fatal to both dogs and cats.
Because we take our commitment to pet wellness so seriously, and wish to never harm any companion animal, we do not use whole garlic in any of our pet products. That being said, dogs and cats both enjoy the flavor of garlic, we do use garlic flavoring in a couple of products, but there's no danger associated with the flavoring.
There are all sorts of ingredients, like garlic, that pet parents assume are fine for pets, but the reality is sometimes very different.

Written by Arin
Updated over 3 years ago