We understand that feeding your furry friend the right things can be difficult. That's why we've taken extra care to formulate balanced, wholesome meals for every stage of a pup's life.
Because of that, we don't have puppy-specific food. Instead, you can find the right amount of Little Hunter food for your dog (pup, full-grown, or enjoying senior years) based on age, weight, and activity level. This ensures the actual nutrition needs of your dog, wherever life stage they're in, are being met.
Benefits of our meals
Our meals are designed to promote healthy immune systems, as well as joint, muscle, and bone health. A unique blend of raw protein, fat, and calcium ensures your puppy gets the nutrients they need.
How much should I feed my puppy?
That depends on your pup and how they're doing! We recommend starting with 25% more food per day and adjusting from there.
Need help figuring out how much to feed your pup? We've got you covered. Our website includes a helpful feeding calculator, ensuring you get the perfect amount for your pup.