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Athena Supporting Documents
Athena Supporting Documents

How to upload and attach your supporting documents to support your Athena submission

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

Athena Supporting Docs allows you to gather a 'bucket' of supporting documents for an application that you can then match against supporting docs requirements for that application.

When navigating to Supporting Docs, you will be presented with the supporting documents checklist required for the application (on the left); and the supporting documents 'bucket' (on the right):

The Checklist

The supporting documents checklist section will list all the supporting documents required for this application, based on the lenders' pre-defined logic, and the characteristics of your application.

Categories & Documents

The blue section at the top gives you a quick understanding of the makeup of the checklist:

Categories breakdown the whole checklist into related parts - categories will be income verification, ID, liabilities etc.

Documents are the total number of documents currently required on the checklist.

Both Categories and Documents will have a tally of how many documents have been loaded, and verified.

For example, if this section noted

Then there are 4 of 16 categories satisfied

And 9 of 27 supporting documents requirements satisfied.

Document Set

The Document Set element allows you to view some, or all, of the checklist, and even add new items to the checklist.

The drop will display all the existing "Categories" in the checklist.

Select an item in the checklist (eg Identification - Claire Grieg) - and you will be presented with the supporting documents that are required to verify this element of the application:

Until documents have been 'attached' to these requirements, the requirements will be listed with a 0/1 - ie 0 documents have been satisfied against 1 requirement.

Show All

Note that instead of using the dropdown to view all the different categories in the checklist, you can click "Show All" and then scroll through all the items of the complete checklist:

The Bucket

The right side of the screen is the supporting documents "Bucket" - where you upload all you have gathered and may wish to use to support the application.

You can upload any new documents at any time by clicking the upload icon:

Uploaded documents can be held in one of 3 buckets

Active - those that you are currently using in your application/assessment

Archive - those that you may have uploaded but are superfluous to your requirements

Rejected - those that you have rejected as not acceptable/required

If you click into any of these buckets you will see the docs in each.

To reject a document, you simply drag the thumbnail down to the Reject Bucket:

And provide a reason for doing so:

Note that you can reinstate documents in Archive or Rejected back into Active at any time by selecting in the bucket, and Moving back to Active:

You can also manage the documents in the bucket by using the Split and Combine Documents functionality:




Or the View or Edit Documents functionality, which allows you to add postit notes, comments, redact, and more:

Click here for more information on how to Split or Combine Documents

Click here for more information on how to View or Edit Documents

Attaching documents to the Checklist Requirements

When you are ready, you are able to attach documents to the checklist, and verify the documents comply with lender logic.

Select in the dropdown the document set you wish to satisfy (here - Identification - Claire Grieg):

You will see against Drivers Licence 0/1. This means there is 1 document required, and 0 currently attached.

Select the document/s from your bucket and drag across to the item you wish to satisfy:

You will note when you have enough documents attached (in this case 1) - you will get a green tick and be able to mark the item as complete:

And you will have 1 of 1 completed:

In this example, you will see that 1 of 3 items has been satisfied, with 2 remaining:

Only when the other two items have been satisfied can the whole document set be marked as complete.

As you satisfy elements of the checklist, the tally at the top will update itself to give you a quick understanding of how much is completed/remains to be completed:

A Few things to note:

At any time, you can trigger an Info Request to your applicants to request further documents or information:

For a full description of Info Request functionality, click here.

You can expand any of the sections to a full screen by clicking this icon:

You can collapse the View/Edit or Split/Combine screen at any time by clicking the "default view" button:

Default View will take you back to the Checklist + Bucket screens:

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