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Athena - Loanapp

How to create and submit an application to Athena

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a week ago

To submit an application to Athena, you need to have access to their Loanapp via your Aggregator CRM, or direct login. There are a number of steps to follow in submitting an application to Athena:

Athena Eligibility

First step in creating a new application is to check that your application scenario is eligible for Athena's great products and sharp pricing. A popup will appear first checking that the postcode of your security property is acceptable:

If the postcode is not acceptable, Loanapp will let you know that unfortunately this is not the right application for Athena.

If the postcode is acceptable, the window will expand to some more eligibility questions:

If you happen to fail any of these questions, Loanapp will let you know that unfortunately this is not the right application for Athena.

If you pass all the eligibility questions, you will get the OK to continue to complete the application and submit to Athena:

Completing the Loanapp application

The initial section to complete is the Setup section, where you add the defining elements of your application such as Loan title, amount, settlement date. Part of this initial configuration is setting the logic on Info Requests, which can automatically send requests for required supporting documents to your applicants.

Note that once you setup these defining aspects of the application, if you switch back to Tama (other browser Tab), this detail will now be visible in your applications grid:

Back in Loanapp, the next section in Setup is to set the participants to the application, which will at a minimum be you, the broker; and your applicants:

Note that Participants are any people that you wish to be able to 'Participate' in the application. Participation includes being able to access and work on the application (have visibility and access via Tama); or to be able to receive and work on info requests. A key extra participant you might want to include is any admin staff on your team.

Once you have completed the application setup, you can now complete the application data. Note that while you are working on your Loanapp application, you can navigate to sections via the side menu, or by clicking on the navigator buttons before and after each section:

Each section of the application has sub-sections that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the sub-section heading:

Some sections may have popup windows to capture a new sub-collection of data. These sub-sections are represented by three dots in a field:

And when clicked, you can add the sub-section data:

Validation logic will appear on screen where you have not completed required data; or where the data is not the correct format:

Work through the Loanapp data sections to complete the application. Note a couple of things:

  1. there is no SAVE button. Loanapp automatically saves.

  2. once you have completed the initial setup, you can navigate anywhere in the application at any time by using the side menu.

When you have completed the Applicant and Financial Position sections, you will get to the Loan and Serviceability section.

Loanapp will present to you the Serviceability outcomes. You will be able to easily toggle between product selections in this section:

Once you are satisfied that your application passes serviceability, proceed to the Compliance section, which includes questions about your Applicant Interview, Applicant Retirement plans, preferences; and your Application Comments. You can expand each section to complete:

Next you will proceed to Summary and Submit - which asks you to check over your submission data; and then click proceed:

Proceed - does 2 things:

Clicking Proceed will:

  • submit the application data to the start of Athena's assessment workflow, and

  • it will also trigger an email message to be sent to your customer/s to request consents for Athena use their data to assess the application, and check their credit history. For a run-through of what your applicants experience, click here.

When you have clicked Proceed, you will be presented with this screen:

Final steps - Supporting Documents & OMNI

There are a couple of final steps to complete before Athena will be able to assess your application.

  1. You need to answer a few questions in OMNI, which is the start of Athena's internal assessment process; and

  2. Finalise your supporting documents.

Click on "Proceed to OMNI".

This takes you to OMNI, which is the start of the Athena assessment workflow. On the OMNI screen you will see:

  1. is the name of the Application you are working on

  2. is the status - currently in "Waiting - Broker Supporting Docs Upload"

  3. is the Process that is ready for you to complete

  4. is the Action, in the Process, that you need to complete.

Finalise your supporting documents

Click on the action item (number 4):

This will take you to the action screen which describes the requirement (to upload and finalise supporting documents). To go to Supporting Documents, click on "Go to Action Page":

This takes you through to you supporting docs checklist for this application:

Here you can upload documents, split, combine and edit (eg redact) documents; and then attach documents to satisfy checklist items. For a full run-through of supporting documents functionality, click here.

Note that your work here is actually uploading your supporting documents into Athena's supporting documents engine. Because of this, there is no need to submit. When you have uploaded and attached all your supporting documents, go back to the Omni dashboard, and complete the Action item.

To do this, toggle the "Fail" to Pass, and click Complete:

Note that this is the same as 'submitting' your supporting documents. You have now told Athena your Supporting documents are ready to support the assessment.

When you have completed this first action item, you will note it is "Complete" on your task list (1); and you now have a second Process waiting to be completed (2):

The two new outstanding action items are either/or items for Loan Suitability.

You need to choose either the Purchase or Refinance task, depending on your application purpose. In each of these action items, there are some final questions to answer in the Checklist on screen:

When you have answered the questions, toggle the item to "Pass" and Complete.

When you have completed this Loan Suitability check, you are now 100% submitted to Athena.

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