Omni is a secure, closed loop communication and workflow solution that allows you to receive and respond to Lender's Missing Information Requests (MIRs) after you submitted an application and all supporting documents.
Lenders use Omni to manage their assessment workflow, sending MIRs to brokers via Omni as an alternative to email.
In this article you will find instructions on how to do the following as a Broker:
1. Receive and identify a Lender's request sent to you using Omni
When a Lender sends a request to a broker for missing information or documents via Omni, the Broker will receive an email notification stating that there is a new task waiting to be actioned.
Lender's notifications may vary in the format and layout, a simple example is shown below.
The link in the email will take you to where you will be asked to enter your username and password to login.
If you are using Omni for multiple Lenders, you will be able to select the Lender's channel you wish to enter.
If you are only a member of one Lender's channel you will be taken directly into Omni.
2. Login to Omni for the first time
If this is your first time logging in, or you have forgotten your password click 'Set or recover password' to set a new password. More details on setting a password are available here.
3. View the request in Omni
After logging in you will be presented with the Omni dashboard, which shows all requests that the particular lender has sent to you.
For a quick guide to the Omni interface click here, otherwise continue reading below.
Immediately you will be able to see the following:
Assessment process that the Lender is up to and requires information for
The requests that the Lender has sent, or delegated to you - known as Action items
On this first screen you can see a summary of the number of applications requiring attention and the number of Action items delegated by the Lender to you.
Using filters
Channel filter
If you are a member of multiple channels, you can also change the Applications filter to view all Action items delegated to you in another channel.
Tasks filter
If you have been set up as a the owner a Brokerage, or have been granted permissions to see all applications within your brokerage you can use the Tasks filter to:(1) View all tasks for your Brokerage; or
(2) Choose a specific person without your Brokerage to see their delegated action items
Status filter
You can filter to only see Action items and Process that are Open and In Progress, or a combination of statuses.
Roles filter
You can filter on Action items delegated to a specific role, however this should not be required as all Action items are delegated to the user required to respond i.e. the Broker
Types filter
The Types filter allows you to only show Action items, or a combination of message type.
Usually, you will only need to have Action item selected to see tasks delegated to you by the Lender.
Viewing all delegated action items for a specific application
To view Action items for a specific application, choose an application from the application selector in the top, purple panel.
Once an application is selected, you will only see items relevant to that application.
If you wish to see all items again, choose Select all from the dropdown.
Once you have selected an application, the on-screen view will change slightly and you will now be able to see:
The application's assessment status with the Lender, in this case:
Lender = Lender 1
Application status = Assessment - Triage, meaning the application is undergoing triage
All action items that you have visibility to see, note that the All tasks filter is enabled in the screen shot below. If Mine only was selected, I would only see the tasks delegated to me.
Participants on the application such as the assessor looking after your application, yourself and the applicants
In 4 & 5, we can see the 2 different Action items that the user has visibility for:4. The Action item delegated to the user; and
5. An Action item that has not been delegated to them, but they have been granted the ability to see
Viewing the details of a delegated Action item from the Lender
To view an Info request from the Lender, you first need to click into it.
When the Action item open, you will be able to see
The overall task details
The task the Assessor or requestor is trying to complete
The message they have sent to you when sending the request and delegating the Action item
Who the Assessor or requestor is
Who the Action item is waiting on
Who it has been delegated to; and
When it is due for completion by
Viewing all activity on an Action item
The Activity tracking section will give you a snapshot of all previous activity on an Action item.
To exit an action item and return to the main view, click Close.
You can also save and come back at any time.
4. Respond to the request in Omni
To respond to the Lender's request, you can make a comment in the text box or upload an attachment.
When you have commented and uploaded a doc (if required), you can click Done to send the completed request back to the Lender.
At this point it will disappear from your Action items or task list.
In the below screen shot the filter is set to Mine only and a specific application is selected.
Nominate someone else to respond
If you need someone else from without your Brokerage to assist with the requirement, you can use the Nominate button.
After pressing the Nominate button, you will be able to select a person to nominate the requirement to.
Again, once you Nominate and then press Delegate, the Action item will be removed from your task list as you have handed over ownership.
5. Logging out of Omni
You can log out of Omni by clicking:
The exit button; or
By clicking the profile icon next to your name in the top right hand corner of the screen and then selecting Log out