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What is a "Happiness Rating"?

TL;DR It's our own 5-point Net Promoter Score.

Henry Coleman avatar
Written by Henry Coleman
Updated over a week ago

The Happiness Rating is a gauge of a brand's customer sentiment and is calculated in a similar fashion as a traditional Net Promoter Scores.

Using the typical review rating five-point scale, reviews are grouped into three distinct categories:
-Promoters (4 and 5-stars)
-Passives (3-stars)
-Detractors (1 and 2-stars)

We then take the percentage of "happy" people (Promoters) and subtract the percentage of "unhappy" people (Detractors) to get your profile's Happiness Rating.
A Happiness Rating can range from as high as +100 (all positive reviews) to as low -100 (all negative reviews). While target scores can vary by industry, a strong score is usually in the 50-70 range. An exceptional score is anything above 70. When you start to get significantly below 50, you will see detractors overwhelming the positive reviews of your happy customers.

Control Settings

Users can choose to change the calculation in the settings area when it makes sense to set promoters as 5-Star, passive as 4-Star, and detractors as 1 to 3-stars.

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